Thanks Charli
Yesterday, would you believe he woke at 7.20am so did a 13hr night! I kept the nap where it was at 11.15am which was just under 4hrs A, even though I knew it would risk a shorter nap through being UT, b/c he still looked really tired, even after 13hrs sleep. He napped a solid 1.5hrs, up at 12.45 & that was it for the day. CN refused. BT was 6.30pm & it took him until 6.45 to go to sleep due to OT. A bit of an UT/OT loop I think.
Of course, today being my first day at work & his nursery day, he woke early at 5.50am.
Shorter night due to OT I think. He actually napped well at nursery today, but they kept him up right til 11.25 (5.5hrs A) so there's no wonder he needed a 2hr sleep. He's very very OT tonight & crying out at every sleep cycle. Oh & at nursery, they will & do AP naps, even though I would really prefer them not to. They have found that DS naps better if he's left alone though
WRT your suggestion to revert to a decent AM nap plus CN - I am totally prepared to try & take him for a car CN if his main nap goes wrong, but its so unreliable, as often he just will not sleep. So I don't think its feasible to cut back that AM A time & rely on getting a CN every day b/c it just doesn't happen. We've tried several times before & he always refuses the PM nap & then gets OT. The only way I can practically do 2 naps is with short AM/long PM. Though that was getting really tough hence why we decided to try 1.
However, we are 10 days into doing 1 nap (at a set time) & his WU is jumping all over the place & so is the length of his nap. Shouldn't things start to settle down soon & his WU start to be more consistent
I feel like I have this all wrong.
Would he cope better if I did naps after X amount of A time rather than a set nap
I just worry that b/c his nights aren't consistent, what works & gives a good nap one day won't do the same the next day.