Hey ladies!
So I could do with some thoughts on DS's routine.....in a nutshell he's nearly 21mths old & just over a month ago had surgery to take his tonsils & adenoids out (he had been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea which made him a very noisy/restless sleeper). The op has been successful & we have seen a big difference in his sleep, he is now getting much better quality sleep & also his A-times have shot up (which makes sense as he sleep before the op was poor). He's also started nursery x 2 mornings a week which he is adjusting to ok. He sleeps there & so far has done naps of between 1 to 1.5hrs, which although shorter than he does at home are not too bad.
Where I'm a bit stuck is getting the right A-time before BT. He can easily handle around 5.5hrs in the AM & when he's at home he sleeps for 1hr45 mins/2hrs (although I have started capping at 1hr45mins to preserve an earlier BT which he seems to do better on).
His last couple of days have looked like this:
FridayWU: 7am
Nap: At nursery 12.55pm-2pm
BT: 7pm (we had a couple of OT cries out in the night but he re-settled himself).
SaturdayWU: 7am
Nap: 12.30pm-2.15pm (woke him)
BT: Down by 7.30pm settled quickly
This morning he was awake around 6.30am so an 11hr night which is short for him.....I'm thinking that this could be UT & he needs a longer A-time to bed or cap the nap at 1.5hrs?
Any thoughts?