I will definitely try a routine tweak and take a look at that link. Thanks you so, so much for your help and what you do for all the moms here. I really, REALLY appreciate it. Hearing from you has just taken a huge weight off my shoulders.
Daniel gets "meal bottles" because he was born with a bad cleft lip and cleft palate. He has used a special bottle his whole life because he does not have the ability to suck.
I tried purees when he was younger, and sometime he did ok, sometimes he didn't. The problem is, that even though he has had 3 surgeries already, food still goes up his nose. He sneezes out bits of everything he eats, and purees especially are more prone to clogging his nose and making him very uncomfortable. Some kids with clefts get used to it, but we went too long after his last lip/nose surgery without attempting purees.. so when we tried again it became an all out battle. One mommy with a boy with the same condition suggested I do what she did - put some cereal and puree in his bottles to give him extra calories since eating solids is such a challenge. I think the way the bottle squirts in the back of his mouth helps prevent it from going past the prosthetic palate and up his nose. This worked like a charm, until recently, and got him consistently sleeping through the night, since he finally had enough calories during the day.

She would mix a 1/4C cereal (not sure the metric amount) of cereal with 4oz of formula and add a scoop of meat puree, veggie puree and fruit puree to make about a 6 oz bottle or so. I have been taking about 6 oz of formula and adding just two scoops of puree and a few Tablespoons of cereal to his bottle - so not nearly as thick.
SO back to the routines, it looks like I should space out bottle to every 4-5 hours, with finger foods kind of tiding him over an hour or so after he eats a bottle? Basically feeding him when he wakes up (like I used to), with some milk before bed? Also, he usually takes a long nap in the morning, but the afternoon nap is often a struggle unless I can rock him back to sleep. He wakes after the first sleep cycle of 35-40 min or so. Additionally, he used to get tired after 3 hours of awake time in the afternoon, but putting him down for his second nap became a struggle until I extended the awake time to about 4 hours.. but by then he was hungry, too, so that started the meal before his second nap...
My worry is, what if he only eats 2-3 ounces when he wakes up, since that is what he does in the morning? Do I just go about the routine as usual until he realizes he only gets a bottle those 4 times a day?
And if he is hungry before his first nap, since he only ate a couple of ounces, do I just comfort him the best I can, and try to get him to sleep? It seems when I have done that in the past then he will wake up a little while later very hungry, and when I give him a bottle he will want to fall right back asleep...
For example
730 Milk, 2 oz
8/830 finger foods
10/1030 nap
1100 wake up crying
1115 milk, fall asleep while eating because he is still tired....
He has been fighting an ear infection, but the eating problems started slowly a couple weeks before, and now they are just worse. I am hoping that after 3 days on medicine that he is getting over the ear infection. Plus, falling asleep has been much more difficult for him because he is trying to pull himself up and sitting up and learning to crawl on all fours instead of scooting on his tummy - all these things just in the last two weeks! I think because of that I also did some APOP with the bottle and rocking him to sleep, and am now paying for it.
Sorry - so many questions and "what ifs" - I have never been one of those people that can easily "just go with it." I struggle knowing what to do and what is best.
Thanks so much -