I'm a bit confused about what to do.
My LO is 11 and a bit months. She was fed on expressed breastmilk (we never managed successful breastfeeding) until she was around 6 weeks then switched to formula.
She has never been a great milk drinker, generally taking 1/2 to 2/3 of the amount she should be taking. This is because she was born with severe reflux and a milk intolerance.
We weaned under a paediatric dietitian and a consultant paediatrician at 11 weeks (due to weight gain and a feeding aversion) and slowly food started to replace formula.
Now she eats a fantastic, very healthy diet full of everything she needs - fruit, veg, meat, carbs, dairy etc. and eats good size portions of everything.
Milk wise she only takes around 4-5oz at 7am, 3pm and then 3-4oz at bedtime. I make up the missed milk with milk in breakfast and dairy at both lunch and dinner time.
Morning and afternoon bottles are okay but she really isn't interested in the bedtime one and it's a huge fight and makes bedtime take ages! Especially as she is quite tired at bedtime and full from her dinner she really fights it and I don't want to stress her before bed.
I really want to drop the bottle and replace it with a small supper - a small portion of porridge and milk and a sippy cup of milk/water about 30mins before bed. Do you think this is a good idea?
I know the daytime bottles are usually dropped first but this seems to make more sense to me as this is the one she's least interested in?