My 9 wo baby has been downing 4-6 oz regularly since he was 5 weeks... he's now downing 6 oz consistently and getting hungry 2-2.5 hrs after his feed... I'm wondering how I will ever get to 4 hr easy by 12 weeks since he is already eating so much and can't seem to stay awake for more than 1:15 MAX! But has been waking up early these last few days starving... he's not waking up at night however for a feed...
I know Tracy says... 6 weeks and 12 weeks... but could this be a growth spurt? Or does he simply need more food? He woke up early around 9 from his nap and I tried getting back to sleep for a while, until I was no longer able to...and by the time bottle was ready it was 10 ...he downed 7 oz no problem... but kept falling asleep and I couldn't keep him up past 1040! We'll see if he wakes early for a feed...
He had a massive growth spurt around 6 weeks that lasted about 4 days... he seemed much more tired those days but kept waking up early from his naps... (which he never normally does... a very very good sleeper normally, textbook actually)
GS or needs more food to stay asleep for naps?