Zac has moved to a solid 1 nap a a few weeks ago after 2 months of the 2-1 and a week of flat out CN refusals. It is working great now and our nights are the best they have ever been.
BUT he has recently been napping 3 hours. Now this is great, he is teething so it could be related...however, now he is fluffing around at BT for up to 30mins. No crying or groaning, happy to go in cot but just hanging out.
I am unsure if I should do one thing or the other:
A) cap his nap at 2.5 hours and keep BT the same OR
B) push BT out 15-30 mins.
He is touchy/spirited and sensitive to change so I don't want to mess up a good thing IYKWIM but know I need to be ready to make adjustments before we get UT BT refusals.
Our EASY is
WU 7
Nap 11.30-2.30 (sometimes I wake him other times he wakes a bit earlier)
BT 7
He is walking and pretty active so I wonder if this has made him more tired as I know he can do 5 hr As okay but he is happy to go down after 4.5 lately...basically I can push out the nap and cap if people think this is a better option.
I can not believe I am posting in toddler sleep! Where is my baby