Hi there, I have two preschoolers and my LO in question is almost six months but I can't remember much from the baby days!
My son is on the 95th percentile for height and weight, I think he's close to 22 lbs already. Formula fed for three months now.
We follow BW to a 't', so he gets four bottles during the day and still one around 11:00 pm. He probably takes around
32 ounces, but I find if I try to decrease the night feed he won't necessarily get it all during the day so he is still hungry.
His feeds are usually around 7:30, 11:00, 3:00ish and 6:30, because this corresponds with his sisters' lives and his naps/bedtime.
Since we are ready to start solids any day now, should I try to decrease that night feed first as much as possible?
Are other babies of this age still requiring that night feed? I am TIRED and would really like to drop it. Wondering if he's just a big baby
who really needs his solids.
Thank you