We went though the same with my 2 year old, fighting bedtime and early waking.
I started by putting her down for a nap at 11.30-1pm and bed time at 7pm, as she started to wake a little later in the morning I would shift her nap accordingly by 15-30 mins. She also wasn't allowed out of bed until 7am, she could sit and talk to her toys or herself, but was not allowed out!
It all sounds so simple on paper but it did take some time to get out of the OT cycle and now we are doing really well, she gets up at 7.30, naps from 1-2.30 and bedtime is 7.30, which is so much nicer than a 5.30 wake up! She is also so much happier in herself and her behavior, its amazing what sleep can do to people!!