DD1 is 3y7mo. Since she was a little baby, we taught her to sleep independently, which she does like a champ for naps. For the BT routine, she has her glass of milk, brush her teeth, say night night to mom and dad and goes to her bed. We turn the lights off, and since 1 1/2 yo, I used to stay in her room, quiet, until she falls asleep.
I know that staying in her bedroom is not a good idea (AP)

and I think now things has gone worse. She would rather have me instead of her dad to stay with her in her bedroom. I have post in the past a topic because she wasn't so cuddly with dad, and this improved when I was pregnant, so I was happy to think that when her little sister arrive, she could have the attention from him when I am taking care of her sister.
The problem now is that she's been neglecting dad when I am around. Last tuesday, as he is still on vacation and helping me with the early days of baby arrivals, he and DD1 were out. He took her to the playground, they had ice cream and he spent a very pleasant day with her. The moment she arrived at home and saw me with DD2, she started to be naughty to him.
As DD1 and DD2 bath time and bedtime are overlaping I wish she could go to bed with him so that I can take care of DD2 (feed her, burp, put down) without having to worry about DD1 bedtime becoming late. Last night DD2 took 2 hours to settle and DD1 crashed in the sofa...

Does anyone have an idea of how I could deal with it? I don't want her to understand that mom is "leaving her behind" or just caring for her sister. Any thoughts?