ok deb, get this.
so he took 4 hours to settle last night (from being awake at 3.30pm till FINALLY falling asleep at 7.30pm) I had fed him at 6pm and he wouldnt settle, i made another bottle up at 7.30pm because he hadnt eaten that much that day, i think there had been too mjuch excitement going on with family members being over and he wanted to play rather than eat! so I gave him another bottle and he took about 100mls and went to sleep. I decided to try and not do the dreamfeed and he woke at 11.10pm, so I fed him and he took about 120mls (so not a massive amount like he usually does at the DF of 180mls) and then he slept till..... wait for it.... yep its coming.... here it is.... 5.30am!
he actually woke at 3.30am and I thought oh its another nightfeed, better get up and make the bottle, well by the time the jug stopped boiling (cos I cant hear him crying when the jug is boiling) he had fallen back asleep. I went into his room and yep, out like a light! then Caleb woke up with a nightmare screaming and I thought "oh no! Levi will definately wake for sure now and want a feed, its been more than 4 hours, he will be hungry" So i quickly went in and grabbed Caleb, who by then had started one of his coughing fits, carried him into my room and put him into bed with me. Levi slept through the whole thing!! hooray!
of course though, waking at 5.30am is not ideal because thats when he starts his day if its that early. I put him straight back to bed but I dont think he slept again. I heard him cry out at 6.30am so I got him up, didnt feed him (what was the point, he had only eaten 45mins earlier) watched for tired signs and he was back asleep by 7.20am
Im exhausted from trying to work all this out in my head while it was happening through the night. but its given me hope.
what is interesting though, is that even at that 5.30am feed, he wasnt that hungry... but I couldnt resettle him hmmmmmmmmmmmm