Here is our last 2 days
Up at 0630 e
a 710-0815
s:0830. Settled well but really rough 45minute transition.
E: 0920
S: 945-1030
e - not interested
s:130-2pm tried for 20 min to repat - didn't work
went out at 230. She snoozed for 35 minutes in the car. home by 4
Bedtime 7pm, nursed to sleep
Stirred at the 28minute mark and the 38minute. I patted until just before 8pm. She slept untill 0710 this am
a:745- 0830. Yawned and seemed sleepy...
s:major battle to sleep.Ate again at 0900 Finally settled at 0930. up at 1000. would not go back to sleep
(reflection: we think we let her go down waaaaay too early for the first nap)
E- not hungry
a:1000-1230 (out seeing grandparents)
S:130. DH resettled her 3 times. She finally slept well from 2-4.
Bath at 530
E 6pm and 715
Bedtime: we sat in the dark room for 15 minutes, then put her down at 0745.
Basically, I think we did too short of activity time before the first nap. I have recently moved her to a 4 hour easy (last week) which seemed to go fine. She seems to handle being up well for 2 hours except for the 1st go round. So, i was putting her down between the 1.5 hour to 1 hour 45min range. This worked last week, but not this weekend.
I try to pat her before she really wakes in the naps. SHe doesnt jolt, she just rouses. Its the same at bedtime, she gets through the first sleep cycle and then once she is resettled, she will sleep. generally it was at the 38 minutes, this weekend we were lucky to hit 30 minutes.