DD2 is 7.5 months and although I patiently awaited the developmental change at 6 months that would help her to get past the 45 minute naps, they are still happening quite often. She will do longer naps on her own sometimes but there are still lots of wakeups at the 45 minute mark. She doesn't wake crying but just lies there playing with her paci, lovey, etc. But I know if I leave her, she will not put herself back. If I go in, I can get her back to sleep quickly by replugging & patting for literally 2 minutes or less. I guess I do rush in and don't really give her the chance anymore to even see what happens. The fact that she goes back to sleep makes me feel that she is still tired. If she fights it or wakes up again soon after, I stop trying. I've tried all different A times and there doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason as to long or short naps. She is generally a very happy baby so it's hard to say if she's OT/UT. She goes down for naps rather easily, doesn't fight it etc. So do I continue to go in and extend the naps or should I just let her nap as she will and get her whenever she wakes? Am I the problem?