I'm not complaining... in general things are going fantastic. Our EASY is 4 hours and approximately like this...
E - 6:30
S - 8:30 - 10:00
E - 10:30
S - 12:30 - 2:00
E - 2:30
S - 4:00 ish for 45'
E - 6:30 (sometimes 5:00 & 7:00 since I think he's having a bit of a growth spurt)
S - 7 or 7:30 (bedtime routine & falls asleep pretty easily)
DF - 10:00
Sleeps until 5:00. Yay!
It's 10 hours of night sleep so I don't think it's considered an early wake up, right? Even if he's up at 5 I don't feed him until 6 or 6:30. When he wakes he's not hungry. He just squirms a bit, so I give him his soother to see if he'll sleep again. 15' later if he's still squirmy I'll change his diaper b/c by this time it's soaked. He's still not hungry just looking around. This morning I tried to rock him back to sleep and he slept for another hour and easily fell asleep in my arms so I think he could make it 11 or 12 hours so I have a decent wake up time. He has done 12 hours a couple times. I'm totally OK with 6 AM, much better than 5 AM. I know the first nap is crucial for the early wake ups. If they wake up early (like 5 AM) how are you supposed to keep them up later/increase their A time so they nap at a decent time without getting them OT? Thanks for any advice