I just wanted to share, that my DD (8weeks) was a short napper, she often woke up at 45 min.
But one day I was too tired around midday and I just finished cleaning and put my head on the pillow, when she was at that 45 min line. She opened her eyes and was totally awake, but I was so tired I decided to sh/pat her back to sleep.
It took around 10 min crying (I was about to give up) but she actually slept back and was sleeping another hour!
Since that I don't let her to wake up, but we follow the routin and I sh/pat her back to sleep if I have to. She is in a better mood after and sleeps better at night, which is a surprise to me because I would think that if she doesn't sleep all day, she will at night. No, no, it's not like that :-)
I know it doesn't work for every baby, but it worth to try.
Good luck!