Thanks for your support and advice. Last night he went down pretty fast but just because he had a bad nap and was really tired. Luckily I managed to catch him on time before he was OT.
I tried to lay him down earlier today (about 30 min) but it didn't help. It was not about the sleeping itself (as he woke up a bit earlier than usual and due to his signs he definitly was tired not yet OT), more about a battle. Your advice changing my routine a bit, might be a good one. As he knows exactly what's coming next he runs away, he screams when putting him down to get changed, screams even more when he sees his sleepsac etc. Maybe with a change he might be too surprised to act immadiately ;-)
It happened the days before already that he refused every single part of our bed/naptime routine and finally was so upset due to his refusals that it ended in a tantrum.
Is it about this age that they want to have everyting under control? Or is it more about the awareness that being in his crib - alone, away from mommy, in the dark (well a night-light is on), for a long long time till the next morning - which makes him upset? Not sure what to focus on most..... NW or his behaviour before going down. Do you thing if he would love to follow his routine again , as he did for so many months, which would help to avoid tantrums before bedtime, he then would sleep much more calm? Probably I have to start the trail and error game for a while to figure out what works best...
If you have any other ideas or hints - I'd love to hear them.
thanks so much