My baby is 4,5 months old. He is on a 4 hour EASY. He was having 2 nice 2 hour naps with a cat nap.. and then last week he went to my moms for 2 days where he only had 40 min naps in the aft. Since then I can't get him to nap past 25, 35 or 40 minutes in the afternoon.
Prior to this, our easy looked something like this:
6:45 Wake
E 7
S 8:40-10:40
S 1:10-3
S 4:10-4:40
S 7:30
This past week our days have looked more like:
7:00 Wake
S 9-11
S 1-140
S 5-5:30
S 7:30
When he was taking 2 hour naps, if he woke at 30 or 40 minutes he was super easy to help fall back asleep with a bit of shhh. However, now for the aft nap I can sh and pat for ever.. he doesn't go back to sleep. He seems quite happy during his A time afterwards.. so I'm not sure if he's not sleeping for that nap due to OS, or due to UT. Should I try a more calming A time before this nap? Or should I try putting him down earlier? or later?