From what you've said, it seems to me that you want your LO to sleep in his own crib throughout the night.
As to how to go about it... you can still bf him at BT and then start cutting down on NFs gradually. Though if it were me, I'd stop nursing him to sleep. Period. I know you've said that he falls asleep the instant he latches on, so maybe you should change up the BT routine. Instead of bath, pjs, book, bf, then bed, you can do bf, bath, pjs, and bed. So then, if he falls asleep on the breast, you wake him up (I know, this is REALLY hard!) and move to the next part of the routine. At the end of the routine, tell him good night (or whatever sleepy phrase you've decided on) and put him in the crib. Then do PU/PD.
Unfortunately, I'm not the best person to ask about PU/PD (we'll be jumping into it soon), so I'd suggest you pop over to the PU/PD board or maybe even the Props board for a little more in-depth help. There are a lot of women on the Props board who are trying to get past the nursing-to-sleep prop, so there are LOTS of helpful threads there.
As for the NWs, I did this recently, so I'll tell you what I did and maybe a moderator can give you more (or better!) feedback than me. I decided that I wasn't going to feed DS until after 2am. I'd do the last feed at 6pm, DFs at 8pm and 10:30pm and then I wouldn't feed him until 2am. If he woke up, I went in and shh/pat (I think you'd use PU/PD at your LO's age) until he fell back asleep. Then when he woke up the next time, after 2 am, I fed him and put him back down awake and used shh/pat again. Then after a couple of days, I moved the time back to 3am. Then 4am. Etc, etc. I think this would be WAY easier on you than just going cold turkey, like Tracy recommends in BWSAYP. However, if he wakes up at 1:30am and is still awake at 2, then you keep on trying to get him back to sleep. Don't feed him until he goes back to sleep and then wakes up again. For example, when I did this with DS, he woke up at 1:45am, so I resettled him around 2:30 and then when he woke again at 3am, I fed him and put him back down. It's hard. It's really hard. Especially when the answer to all of your problems is just sitting there on your chest waiting to be used. So I'd really recommend that you do some APOPing (like cosleeping) to get some sleep first so you are less likely to give in.
Yes, he's going to cry. At his age, he can cry pretty hard, too. I used ear plugs the first couple of nights when doing the NW elimination. But you need to keep in mind that he's crying because he doesn't like the change. I did CIO with my first and I can tell you that the cries coming from DS1's room and the cries that DS2 made are COMPLETELY different. DS1 was alone, scared and feeling abandoned while DS2 was just ed. I promise that your LO will know you are there and isn't going to feel like you left him, he'll just be mad that you're not giving him what he wants. And really? If he were 3yo and wanted to eat cookies all night, you'd tell him "no" no matter how hard he protested, right? That's what will be happening. He wants cookies, but you know sleep is better for him.
I really hope I made some sense and answered some of your questions.