I'm sorry, I'm just seeing that there were other replies.
Our general routine, assuming she's up around 7am (which is the norm) is:
7 - w/u
8ish - breakfast
playing, snacks, books, etc. etc. etc. and then I start watching her at around 12.
12:30/12:45 - in crib for nap. She usually falls asleep within 5 minutes or so. Rarely protests going down for a nap.
Bedtime is usually anywhere between 7 and 8 depending on when she wakes up from her nap. (I also want to note that her bedtime seems to be naturally getting later. She's more awake and alert at 7 now, and if I put her in too early she's babbling, laughing, rolling around for an eternity.)
So....basically I've been giving her between 5.5 - 6 hours of A time. You think that's too long??
I do hope this is a stage, but I feel like I've been trying to ride it out for awhile.
She took a 2.5 hour nap on Thursday but she was under the weather. Today again she refused her nap. I left her in there as she was literally running around in her crib, but I finally went in after she threw her lovey out over the side. I knew it was over at that point.