My 2.5 year old is definitely going through something!
Before the winter holiday, she was not napping at daycare most days, and was cranky in the evening, and sleeping about 11.5-12 hours at night. On weekends, she would nap 1.5-2 hours and sleep 11.5-12 hours at night. She then went back to napping at daycare, too.
Over the break, she napped every day for 1.75-2 hours, and slept 11.5-12 at night- what a happy girl!
Now, she is back at daycare, not napping, and we are getting a NW or two.
When she is "on" schedule, it looks like this:
7:30am wake
12:30 or 1pm nap- 2:15, 2:30, or 3pm wake (we wake her at 3:10 if she isn't up yet).
7:45-8pm bedtime. Occasionally she has a harder time going to sleep if she's had a long nap, but not always.
When she's "off", it looks like this:
7:30am wake
attempt nap as usual- she typically rests quietly for an hour or a little more
7:15pm head to bed, with lights out for sure by 7:30
often she calls us back in around 8:30- I think she has fallen asleep and wakes up, but I'm not sure
11pm or so, short NW
7:45am wake for the day- tired and crabby.
I am not sure what to do. She clearly still needs to nap, but I can't force it at daycare. Today I sent her with a lovey and special blanket from home, but I am afraid she will think its playtime even though she sleeps with them at home.
I also think that when she naps, it needs to be shorter, but with the inconsistent napping, I'm trying to let her catch up.
What am I missing?