DS is 22 mos. and in the last 2 days he has started screaming before naps. Does this for a couple minutes before BT but for the naps this is new. He has his hands in his mouth and tells us his mouth hurts so we are doing Motrin. I've tried earlier PD, later PD, longer soothing routine, patting to sleep. He just sort of pushes me away and says, "night-night". I feel bad leaving him but yestereday, I PD he cried, played, cried and then I went up and patted him to sleep. He then slept 40 min. woke crying but clearly still tired, he's never only napped for 40 min. Tried patting again, rocking, laying down with him, rubbing his gums but he didn't go back to sleep and just cried. He would close his eyes and drift off but then start the crying again if I stopped doing what I was doing. He then slept 7:30-8am last night and wanted to go down at 12:30pm for his nap but has been crying from 12:45-now (1:15pm). I went up once and he didn't want to be patted, held, anything. Not sure what to do. He finally fell asleep and slept 1:45-2:25pm (again 40 min) woke crying. He doesn't seem to want comfort but if he's not feeling well then I don't want to do nothing. He is clearly tired and needs more than a 40 min. nap. Typical routine was:
Wake 7am or so
Nap 12:30-2:15ish
BT 7:30/7:45pm
Don't want to start bad habits but don't know what to do for him.