situation: 2.5 year old DD1, didn't start sleep training til 4.5 months, and she was fabulous. I did it late because I only just discovered BW at that point. DD1 was great, still is.
decided to try earlier this time, as Tracy said start as you mean to go on. BUT...DD2 is 7 weeks, and I read schedules that show a 3 hr EASY and she seems to want E every 2, except at night she can go 4.5 hrs. for at least one stretch. She's almost 10 pounds, BF only if that makes a difference, and I know she's getting short-changed on her daytime sleep, because DD1 hasn't yet learned how to leave us alone when I'm putting DD2 down for a nap.
Here's what she's doing, generally:
E: 7:00 AM.
A: no A here. usually let her fall asleep eating.Will sleep either 30 min or 2.5 hrs after that.
S: 30 min or 2.5 hrs
E: 9:30 ish, 18-25 min
A: Diaper, get dressed
S: 10:30 ish put down awake but drowsy, she will only sleep 30 mins and then want food
E: 11:15
A: until 12:15, then put down awake but drowsy.
S: sleeps an hour, maybe 1.5, then awake screaming and starving
E: 1:30 - 1:45 start eating
A: until 2:30
S: 2:30 - 3:30 if I'm lucky
E: 4:00
A: until 5 ish
S: 5-6:30
E: 6:30
A: will either sleep on breast or be up for another hour looking at us and playing
S: falls asleep 7:30 or 8:00, sleeps 2 hrs
E: 9:30 or 10:00
AE: wakes up, hungry, lately between 1:30 to 2:30 AM. Diaper change then eat so we don't wake her up too much.
S: 2:30 - 4:30
E: 4:30 - 5:00 no A time except today she didn't go back to sleep for an hour. Hope that's not a habit.
S: 5:00 - 7:00
So she doesn't seem to have any of her own sleep patterns yet either. She can fall asleep when put down drowsy but awake, So I haven't seen any issue with the idea of letting her fall asleep at breast during night because she has little wake times during her long sleep cycle and puts herself back to sleep just fine. She can also put herself to sleep for naps. The times she doesn't stay asleep seem either poop or hunger related.
I know that until about 6 weeks they're supposed to be pretty she just being irregular longer? I don't really care about a hard schedule so much at this point, but I want her to get ENOUGH sleep. Should I even bother with EASY now, as long as I focus on getting her to bed drowsy but awake as much as possible, and focus on catching her sleep signs so she doesn't get OT?