Author Topic: Early BT no longer working  (Read 2764 times)

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Re: Early BT no longer working
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2012, 22:32:20 pm »
Oh my Gosh... that is so scary to me! It took me a long time to accept that 7:00 was not early enough on a no nap day. So like Mashi said, a 5-5:30 BT on a no nap day... ok. It is worth a try. Now to convince DH!

He did end up sleeping today for about 1.5 hrs. He was crying when he woke up and when I went in he told me that his nightlight was broken. It was... stupid cheap lightbulb burnt out for the second time this week. He is terrified of the dark, and insists on having his nightlight on for both naps and at BT. Last time it burnt out it was in the middle of the night and he was *hysterical*. :( At least this time it was daytime, so it wasn't really dark in there even with the curtain closed.

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Re: Early BT no longer working
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2012, 00:54:25 am »
Poor kid - we've got similar fears and stuff cropping up.  Like all of a sudden last night one of his callbacks was 'what's that sound?' and all of a sudden he didn't want his air cleaner on!  It's been on since he was 11 mths old lol. He has decided it's 'too loud'.

I'm ready to strangle him tonight - he takes so long to do everything, mainly time spent repeating myself 100 times, trying to get him to do anything, getting him to even answer to his has become a two person job if we want him in bed on time!

I'd really try it if you can, it's the only way you're going to know for sure - scary as it is.
The tweaking never stops!

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Re: Early BT no longer working
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2012, 06:51:40 am »
When DS is already OT the 5pm bedtime is hard, because he is already too tired to get to sleep.  On days when he has been rested, and I put him in bed at 5, he is asleep on his own by 515pm.  After about 4-5 no-nap days when I put him in bed at 5, he takes until close to 6pm to fall asleep...that is how I know the OT has crept in. Just in case you try it and he is not asleep right away, it is something to keep in mind.  :)    On those nights I do sit and rub his back to help him get to sleep faster. 

Hope you find something Amy....I have been reminding myself that it is just a phase, just a phase, just a phase.....

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Re: Early BT no longer working
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2012, 08:37:39 am »
Just want to back up the EB, my dd nap dropped way to early before 3 and she regularly went to bed around 5pm (4.40pm some days!) Even now at 5 her bedtime is 6-6.15pm. It is so easy to think LOs are low sleep needs and a lot of the time it turns out they need more sleep! That day he wanted to go to bed at 5.30 and then had that extremely EW was probably because her was very OT. I recently reread some of Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child and it really reminded me that kids need the opportunity to sleep and sleep begets sleep. The author also reiterates a few times that you need to do something for at least 3 days before you decide it isn't working  :)

Offline teilvnav

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Re: Early BT no longer working
« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2012, 15:04:30 pm »
I wonder how long he would have slept for that nap if he hadn't realized his light bulb was burnt out... he was super whiny the rest of the afternoon and clearly tired. Even though he napped we did a 6:30 BT, and he did babble a bit but was asleep by 6:45. And no NW, and a 6:30am wake up!!! That is amazing for him.

Mashi, I think I need to get that tattooed somewhere! "It's just a phase, it's just a phase, it's just a phase..."

Wendy, I understand your frustration 100%, and I have both kids by myself for BT at least twice a week because DH is teaching night courses!

I think I need to read that book; it has been recommended by a few people now.