Author Topic: Confusion over weaning for 7.5month old  (Read 4917 times)

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Re: Confusion over weaning for 7.5month old
« Reply #15 on: February 23, 2012, 08:00:25 am »
As far as the night wakings, he may be waking because he is not getting enough A time during the day.  I would begin to push that first A time, at the very least.

This- or you can push all of the A times- it's up to you. I generally increased them across the day- but you know your guy!!
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!

Offline ManjM

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Re: Confusion over weaning for 7.5month old
« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2012, 22:21:43 pm »
Hi all. Thanks for the advice. I've decided not to go with the routine suggested to me. It doesnt make sense dropping that many bottles yet. I have noticed in the last two days he is only having about half his mid morning bottle so can see that going in the next month.

Planning to start on his NF today. Have 1 less scoop of milk powder and will gradually drop that down more.

I'm sure the reflux is playing up as he always sleeps on his tummy but has been turning a bit sideways to get the pressure off. He is not a sleep on back baby not sure if due to reflux or waking himself up when moving his arms. I have ordered a cot wedge but don't know if he will  be able to use it on his tummy.

Last night he woke 3 times. First time went to feed him. He had a few sips and started screaming and  refused bottle. Only settled with dummy and white noise. Other 2 NW needed white noise to settle. He settled but I couldn't so had 3 hr sleep. He woke happy but must have been tired as his normal 2 hr A gave half hr nap.

Funny thing is if he sleeps in my bed for am nap he has 2 hr nap. Could this be because he is warmer under my duvet? He only does hour  and 15 min in his cot

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Re: Confusion over weaning for 7.5month old
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2012, 22:32:02 pm »
Your bed may be more comfortable and smells like you!

With the feed, a better way to drop it may be to reduce oz gradually. You can drop 1oz every 3 nights until it's gone so they get used to having a smaller volume of feed gradually. Diluting the formula can work well for some babies but they are still filling their tummies with a volume of liquid whereas if they get used to gradually having less and less they can get used to not having a full tummy. We did this with my DD when she was 8 months and it worked well. Once the bottle was down to about 2oz she slept through one night and after that we just offered water which she wasn't impressed with so she stopped waking.


Offline ManjM

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Re: Confusion over weaning for 7.5month old
« Reply #18 on: February 23, 2012, 22:44:00 pm »
Hi Laura. Will try that way instead. We had an earlier BT today as he woke from nap at 5. Milk at 7:30 he fell asleep drinking it. But was up 2 hrs later.  Do u think I should feed him at 11 or when he just next wakes up.

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Re: Confusion over weaning for 7.5month old
« Reply #19 on: February 23, 2012, 22:46:55 pm »
Waking shortly after bedtime is usually a sign of over tired so you could let him sleep and see when he wakes next, you may be able to resettle without feeding - it's always worth a try!


Offline ManjM

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Re: Confusion over weaning for 7.5month old
« Reply #20 on: February 23, 2012, 22:57:31 pm »
Will try. This time he had dummy and sp which has not worked for a long time. Normally I have to get him out the cot. Problem is he is waking 2/3 hrs. Think dummy is prop now. It never used to be. Will tackle one thing at a time.

Today was feeling like there is no point in even trying to sort out his naps. he will start half day day care mid march where he will have his morning nap. To start off I can't see him napping there until he gets used to it and when he does will only do half hr away their cot is in same room as all the other kids. Mil will have him for afternoon but won't be able to get her to adjust a times based on mornings performance *sigh*

Offline ManjM

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Re: Confusion over weaning for 7.5month old
« Reply #21 on: February 25, 2012, 21:08:47 pm »
Quick update ... all up and down at moment reflux kicked up 2 weeks ago and steadily got worse. Has gone from silent reflux to not so silent :-/ and has started refusing his food. One good thing was 2 hr am nap as I didn't give him breakfast so tummy was kinda empty. Have app with Gp on wed and plan on demanding referral to hospital. Was reading the reflux board at 2am this morning and have  learnt so much about his condition. Don't know why I didn't research before :-(

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Re: Confusion over weaning for 7.5month old
« Reply #22 on: February 25, 2012, 21:18:53 pm »
{{HUGS}} I hope you can get some joy from the Dr. A little tip for you, once you know the Dr has sent the referral ring the hospital to find out where he is on the list and see if you can get a cancellation and keep ringing. I made a right pain of myself with DS, by the time I needed an appointment for DD, the ladies in the paed department knew who I was and got us in sooner ;).

In the meantime just do what you can to keep him comfortable and don't stress about routine, that will come when the reflux gets controlled.


Offline amayzie

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Re: Confusion over weaning for 7.5month old
« Reply #23 on: February 25, 2012, 21:50:06 pm »
Hugs on the reflux- it just seems to muck everything up!!
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!

Offline ManjM

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Re: Confusion over weaning for 7.5month old
« Reply #24 on: February 25, 2012, 22:03:51 pm »
Thanks :-) definitely needed the hugs.

Going to see if he will settle tonight without milk but unlikely as he has been refusing food today. The other night he had NW any only settled with feed he went straight to sleep but I sat outside his room as he coughed for ages after. I never realised his constant cough was due to reflux. Last night for NW wouldn't settle without feed and was in so much pain after stayed awake in my arms for 2 hrs before falling asleep. 

So glad I can share here feels like I have ppl who finally understand how hard it is. Not even my husband really does as I do most of the caring for Lo at least until I go back to work. Gonna try and catch some zzz while he is asleep and will definitely head over to reflux boards tomorrow.

thank you ladies x

Offline amayzie

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Re: Confusion over weaning for 7.5month old
« Reply #25 on: February 26, 2012, 00:42:23 am »
So glad I can share here feels like I have ppl who finally understand how hard it is.

You are always welcome to share on here- check out the birth clubs too- i've found them to be really helpful- here's a link to your age group- Just have a read and join in the conversation if you like!

also- make sure you share with your DH how hard it is (you might be already).. It was only recently when i was telling my DH about how hard things were at the start with trying to get my guy to settle that he said 'I had no idea you did all that'... I think i often expect my DH to be a mind reader- and he's not even that good at reading what i mean when i say things!! You might be better than me at communicating with your DH. that's just my experience!
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!