Author Topic: Am I doing this right? Support please.  (Read 2951 times)

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Re: Am I doing this right? Support please.
« Reply #15 on: February 18, 2012, 06:16:32 am »
No probs- it's ok to have a little bit of variation between you and your hubby, babies are sometimes more flexible than you think! Like my husband has ALWAYS sung the 'twinkle twinkle' song we sing as he goes to sleep AS he puts him into bed, and i sing it all, then go shh-shh as i put him in.. Seems trivial i know... but that's just one example. As you say- as long as you are pretty much on the same page then you'll be right!! Sounds like you and your hubby are a great support for each other! Great!
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!

Offline elephantintheroom

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Re: Am I doing this right? Support please.
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2012, 15:21:10 pm »
Ok, here I am again.  I am feeling pretty hopelesss.  Last night was miserable.   Here is our current schedule. 
A:  6:10 wake up (with a bowel movement - pretty large, so he hasn't been going back to sleep).
E:  7:00 Eat
A:  6:10 - 8:45 (including a 20 minute wind down
S:  8:45 - 10:10 (woke up in good mood).
A:  10:10
E:  11:00
A:  10:10 - 12:45 (including 20 min. wind down)
S:  12:45 - 1:20 (awake crying), shh pat 10 min, sleep 20 minutes (wake crying), try shh/pat for 20 min and call it at 2:00
A:  2:00
E:  3:00
A:  2:00 - 4:45
S:  4:45 - 5:10 (hesitant to give up night time nap because he is obviously tired fussy at 4:45 & don't think he could make it 2:00 to 7ish for bedtime).
7:00 eat
7:30 - 8:00 is bedtime.

Last night he woke at 9:44 (I went ahead and fed him).  I was so tired from night before, I fell asleep feeding him and woke at 11:00.  Put him back in his crib asleep.  11:20 awake crying.  Husband did shh/pat til 12:30ish, I came in, tried shh/pat with occasional pu/pd until 1:15ish when I fed him.  (hesitant to do too much pu/pd because he does have reflux).  1:40ish back in bed awake at 2:00.  Husband did shh/pat from 2:00 - 3:20. He said he would sleep for 10 min stretches then wake.   He did sleep from 3:20 - 3:40.  3:40 awake crying.  I know I am not suppose to, but I held him in his chair and slept with him from 4:00 - 6:20.  I was totally exhausted.  We were giving him pain med on chance teething.  Also, he is on meds for reflux.  This was the worst night we have had, but even after increasing A as discussed above, we continue to have repeated night wakings.  Can't seem to figure this out.  I am at the point where I feel like this isn't helping.  In the last 3 weeks, he has slept 5 hours on 3 occasions and other than that, he is awake off and on all night.  I can't do CIO, but I don't see any more improvement with what I am doing.  Do you see anything I can do different?  I do appreciate all your help.  He is 6 mos now.  Thank you.

Offline amayzie

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Re: Am I doing this right? Support please.
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2012, 22:02:34 pm »
Hugs!! You still need that cat nap because the stretch from the end of the second nap to the bed time- even early- is still too long. Your naps are looking pretty good though- the morning one is great.

That night was horrible for you!! I wouldn't beat yourself up at all about the sleeping in the chair at 4am... you both had a night of it- and he needed a sleep!

Look- i'm going to get the reflux ladies to have a look- that many night wakings, and short nigh sleeps reeks of a reflux flare up to me- and that's not where I have experience!!

I'm hesitant to ask you to tweak too much before they have a look- as i'm wondering if some of those day wakings could also be reflux...

Katy, Mummy to Hamish!

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Re: Am I doing this right? Support please.
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2012, 00:54:03 am »
Hi there hun, what reflux meds is your LO on? At this age 4-6 months we had a lot of reflux flares, the is a lot going on with increased mobility, teething, GS you name it!

I'm sorry if you've already answered this but is your LO Bottle or BF? On probiotics or having any thickeners?

Any teeth moving? My refluxer had a lot of discomfort with teething which often brought on reflux flares.

Is your LO having solids if so how much and what?

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.

Offline elephantintheroom

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Re: Am I doing this right? Support please.
« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2012, 08:15:40 am »
Thank you Katy & Sara.  Here are the answers to your questions (I haven't answered these before). 

He is solely breastfed (every 4 hrs).  He has never been willing to take a bottle.  He has always breastfed for on average 6 minutes.  He typically will not switch sides.  He is putting on weight, so my doctor has said he must just be an efficient eater.  Perhaps of relevance, they did say that his stomach was measuring small when I was pregnant with him (but, there have been no concerns of this since he was born). 

He has two teeth (he got these both in his 5th month).  He is 6 mos and 1 week old.  I have given him pain meds in case this is teething, but it doesn't seem to help really. 

He is having solids.  Rice or oatmeal cereal two to three times a day.  He has also had sweet potatoes, butternut and acorn squash, green beans, applesauce, and bananas.  I make his baby food, but I add nothing but the vegetable and perhaps a little of the cooking liquid per a recipe book I have for making baby food.  We do make his cereal with formula (it has been too much of a challenge to pump with two little ones, since he doesn't take a bottle at all).  I know this seems strange, but since we have added a third meal a day, it seems worse.  (A reaction to the formula?).  Also, on the chance this could be useful:  I know they say that you shouldn't worry about constipation in breastfed babies, but his stool has become very thick and he strains to get it out.   On, the other hand, I could set a clock by his bm (he is very regular and predictable).     

He takes Zantac (.7 ml/3 times a day).  He loves to sit up right (versus tummy or back).  He has been making more effort to crawl of late (i.e., getting on his knees a little) and scooting around, but he does not seem to be trying to crawl at night.  I remember when my daughter was learning to crawl, it was as if she was practicing crawling at night, not so with him.  Also, when he wakes, he is often crying and takes awhile to soothe. 

Other potentially useful information:

He has been a very easy baby in a lot of regards.  Doesn't cry a lot.  Very sweet, smiles and giggles a lot and easily.  He does seem to cry more at night with the wakings.  He seems to arch his back when we are holding him upright.  I am sticking with the bw methods (i.e., not using mobility props to soothe).  This seems to be worse of late - strangely as he is eating more solids.  Thank you so much.  Jennifer

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Re: Am I doing this right? Support please.
« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2012, 18:28:01 pm »
Some refluxers are much better on solids, but others are not. He is eating quite a lot for 6 months, I would cut back to only give the 2 meals a day (no third) and no solids after 2pm. Solids can be hard on the tummy, and often if they have them in the evening it can upset their gut overnight.

I found baby cereals gave my DS consipation, and upset his tummy, as did bananas. You could try removing these from his diet to see if I helps? Pears are very gentle on the gut so introducing these should be quite safe.

Hugs, to be honest I would just do what you have to athe moment. It's okay to AP, ie cuddle, rock etc when your LO is unwell to keep on top of OT and save your sanity :-*
It sounds like he is refluxing at night. How much does he weigh? I suspect his Zantac dose me need increasing to control the refluxing at night. Crawling attempts always caused a bit more spit up for us too.

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.

Offline amayzie

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Re: Am I doing this right? Support please.
« Reply #21 on: February 25, 2012, 21:36:36 pm »
We've only just introduced a third meal at almost 9 months... I'd take it really easy if your LO has tummy issues- there's no rush..
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!

Offline elephantintheroom

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Re: Am I doing this right? Support please.
« Reply #22 on: February 29, 2012, 03:02:46 am »
Katy & Sara,
Thanks so much again.  The diet changes (especially cutting out bananas) really seems to have helped.  I took him to his doctor, and we also increased his Zantac and changed the formula I make the cereal with to a lactose free formula.  It all seems to be helping.  His naps seem to be back on schedule (perhaps even improved from previous best).  Last night was still a little rough, but the whole house got sick again, so no one was sleeping well because of the cold.  Given that his naps have improved so much, I feel hopeful that once we kick this bug, we will be able to help him with his night sleep given the big improvement in naps. Thanks again so much,

Offline amayzie

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Re: Am I doing this right? Support please.
« Reply #23 on: February 29, 2012, 04:11:05 am »
Big cheers!! Sickness also mucks everything up- hipe it gets better soon!! It's almost the end of winter!
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!

Offline ZacsMumme

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Re: Am I doing this right? Support please.
« Reply #24 on: February 29, 2012, 06:46:14 am »
Hugs - last winter we had 1 bug after another, they are such a downer :-*
I so gsdthings are improving, let s know how you get on :D

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.