Author Topic: EAS for 9month old  (Read 1117 times)

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Offline petram

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EAS for 9month old
« on: February 28, 2012, 08:47:38 am »
Hi ladies

I just wanted to seek your advice.

My lo is 9months on 3rd March, he has been up and down alot since xmas with various coughs, colds, infections, teeth etc,etc.

Before he was ill he would sleep 7pm-7am, no df and no nw, he would sleep at 9am for 45mins, a long lunch time sleep at 12.15/30 for 2/2.5 hrs and a cat nap at 5ish

Im trying to get back to EAS having struggled through these last 2months.
Although i APOP through the ill times its not too difficult stopping it, its the A times and S times im struggling with.

For any one with a simular age LO can you give me an idea of your EAS.

ATM hw seems to be waking at 6am, so im thinking he is UT but sometimes he goes back to bed at 8am  :-\   and sleeps for 1.5hrs.
He also has nw so again im thinking UT but i have tried to up A times and have had OT waking for the first 2 hrs at bt  ???

Im also aware that having been unwell and having short A times and lots of sleep for the past 2 months he may need to get back on track slowly, but if i could just have an idea of what to aim for that would be great.

« Last Edit: February 28, 2012, 09:39:56 am by petram »

Offline becj86

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Re: EAS for 9month old
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2012, 09:08:01 am »
Sounds like he's tacking that first morning nap onto his night sleep. Its a painful few days with the inevitable OT but I think you're best off pushing the first A time to ~3hr as a starting point so he learns where the day starts and then tweaking from there.

Something like this may be suitable:
6 - wake
9 - nap
10:3-/11 - wake
2 - nap
3:30/4 - wake
6:30/7 - bed

Offline petram

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Re: EAS for 9month old
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2012, 07:56:22 am »
Thanks Becj,

We had another night of lots of waking and as normal he woke at 6.15am so will keep this mornings A time to 3hrs, i can see already hes getting tired tho.

Just out of interest is 3-4hrs day time sleep about avaerage for this age? (going on your EAS example)

Offline becj86

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Re: EAS for 9month old
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2012, 09:06:42 am »
Probably less, but you're moving in that direction... By this age, LO's have generally well and truly dropped the CN and are having two 1.5hr naps, some are even dropping to one nap and a CN.

Offline petram

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Re: EAS for 9month old
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2012, 13:24:35 pm »
Thanks for the link, i was suprised that at 8-10months the awake time is 3-4hrs, my lo is no where near that time.

Yesterday i put him down around 9am but he was so tired i had to apop him for a short time but done the last few mins with him in the cot and he only slept for 35 mins.

Although he woke up grumpy he was mostly ok during the morning but went back to bed at 11.45 and slept for 45mins, he had a dirty nappy when he woke so i changed him and 15mins later he went back to bed for 50mins.
Then he had a quick nap around 5pm and i woke him at 5.40 and then bt was 7.20pm.
There was only 1 nw at 3.30am but he took only a few mins of shushing to resettle, then woke at 5.45, i persevered with getting him back to sleep, (apop til 6.05) and took him into my bed where he slept til 6.45, so at least he had a much better wake up time (even if it was in my bed!)

Today I went for the 3hr A in the morning again, he went to sleep at 9.35am and woke just before 11am very happy, and then went back to bed at 12.35 as he was very upset and crying.
We have passed the 45min mark now so i don't think he will wake up until hes had a good sleep.

How can i stretch the A times to something more normal?

You said some lo's are only having 1 sleep and a catnap, when do they have them-long sleep late morning and then a catnap later or the other way round?


Offline becj86

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Re: EAS for 9month old
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2012, 00:44:43 am »
Stretching A times depends on the baby - you will know what'll work. You can either push it slowly by 5-10mins every few days or just jump up by 30mins and see how it goes... DS does best with a big jump. I think given you're so low on A times and he clearly needs more, I'd jump til he's at 3hr A, leave it there for a bit and let him settle with it, then reassess whether to push it out slowly from there.

They can have them either way - most mummies like to get a long nap in the morning so its in the bank so to speak... that way if the morning one comes up short you can try again in the afternoon :P

He seems to be responding pretty well to the change in A time.

Offline mylittlelovelies

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Re: EAS for 9month old
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2012, 10:05:21 am »
I have found with subsequent babies a short morning nap and long PM nap works well as you fit in a quick nap, then wake them and go out to Playgroup, visit people etc, then home again for long afternoon sleep 1-3:30ish (which is when my toddler naps also).
Plus closer to dropping down to 1 nap, the short morning nap means they WILL still go to sleep in the afternoon, whereas a long morning nap could leave you with a VERY long stretch till bedtime if they won't go down again for a CN later on.
But I can see why people go either way. You pick what suits your routine/family the best.

Offline londonlady

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Re: EAS for 9month old
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2012, 10:26:01 am »
Petram, my DD is 8.5m and also way off the 3-4hr A times. We've always been a bit on the lower side, but her naps are good so we just go with it. She usually tells me when she's ready to stretch a bit by either getting fussy at nap times or UT short napping, then I know it's time to start increasing a bit.

Our day looks like this:
E 7am
A awake for 2.5hrs
S 9.30am
E 11am
A awake for 2.75-3hrs
S 1.45/2pm
E (either have to get her up at 3pm for school run days, or let her sleep til 3.30/4pm on others)
A through to BT
S (either earlyish at 6.30/6.45pm on school run days or 7.30pm on others.)

We're only just back on track after illness too, and she has been sleepier... it's taken a good 2 weeks or so to get back to where we were pre-illness.

Rachel. x

Offline petram

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Re: EAS for 9month old
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2012, 14:09:38 pm »
Stretching out the first A to 3 hrs is definately helping with getting the day off to a proper start and i can see that the early morning wakeups are beginning to lengthen out-this morning he woke at 6.50am.

Saying that tho he did wake twice last night, 1.10am and 3.45am he seemed unsettled and needy so gave him some meds both times so I think it may be teeth-hopefully it wont be too terrible and undo the good work we've done these last few days!!  ::)

Londondixy your routine looks pretty much the same as ours did before all the illnesses.