Author Topic: 3 yr old hasnt eaten dinner in months  (Read 2929 times)

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Re: 3 yr old hasnt eaten dinner in months
« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2012, 20:04:05 pm »
could you just put some healthy snacks somewhere and if he's hungry in the morning he can just help himself to them and not bother you? do you have some kind of a clock system that he doesn't come to you unless it's X o'clock? You could do the same thing for this morning snack, though you might want to give an 'earliest possible' time so he's not getting up at 5 for a snack! ie after 6 before 7 you can go and help yourself to a snack without coming to mummy.
I realise this isn't the ideal scenario but it seems that the issue right now isn't to get him to eat but to stop him from bothering you about it. So either you take the route of 'food is at food time if you don't eat then no other snacks, no whining about it either' but I'm not sure how you can stop him whining about it in that case, I'm not sure that you could give a consequence for it at this stage. Or for the sake of stopping him whining you give into the snacking for the time being but do it in a way that he can access it like Bethany said-you'd just have to keep on top of the snack stash.
Sorry if what i've said doesn't make any sense, it's been a long day...

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Offline Khalam's Mama

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Re: 3 yr old hasnt eaten dinner in months
« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2012, 22:13:41 pm »
What are his bowels like? Does he have a BM after dinner time or something like that? Maybe he is too full at that time. Don't feel you have to answer that but maybe bear it in mind.
I would avoid the "eat when it is dinner time and or not after" personally as it is teaching him to eat even if he isn't hungry at that time and or to go hungry when he is which is an unhealthy habit for later life imo.
As you really want him to a) stop whining and b) stop being hungry I would do what you need to do to get some food into him. If he is eating a balanced diet and you are offering healthy choices it isn't going to do him any harm in the long run.
I like Deb's idea for not wasting food. Personally I offer uneaten dinner at luchtime the next day rather than breakfast though.

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Re: 3 yr old hasnt eaten dinner in months
« Reply #17 on: March 17, 2012, 22:33:17 pm »
Is he able to get in some full-on exercise mid-afternoon? Like to the point of exhaustion? I found that really ramped up the girls' appetites, still does!

Offline Khalam's Mama

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Re: 3 yr old hasnt eaten dinner in months
« Reply #18 on: March 17, 2012, 22:34:47 pm »
Esp swimming. Good idea Deb.