Author Topic: Approach 1year on the horizon advice please  (Read 1037 times)

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Offline Claudiamummy

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Approach 1year on the horizon advice please
« on: March 17, 2012, 12:08:40 pm »
Hi ladies,

Dd is 11m and 1 week... And we have managed to keep bf yippee !!:)) so proud of us both!!:-))

So can i ask for some advice on two points please?

First of all, we need to start reducing milk...dd is on 3 solid meals a day, and I also offer a snack
At the moment we bf
5am full feed ( b2s, although it sometimes is a pain and I have to apop but as she takes a full feed I am reluctant to push this???)
6ish w/u bf
After am nap (amount here varies from a little drink to more but not a huge feed, but she doesn't refuse)
After pm nap (as above)
Bt ( very good feed)
Doesn't feed in the night (unless we absolultey cannot settle her which is rare)

So, how do I move onto just a snack after naps....(snack ideas welcome)... avoiding engorgement and with minimum upset to dd?

My second point is about extended nursing.... I am keen to keep w/u and bt.... Should I also offer after meals???
Also I know this might sound silly, but I am nervous about weaning when she is older and more likely to "miss" it.....
She has just started getting a bit enthusiastic with her teeth, so no idea how long we will go, but as long as possible!!!

Though/advice/btdt welcomed!!



Love and adore my perfect little textbook/touchy DD
Born April 10th 2011...thank you to Dh for such an amazing gift after only 1 year of marriage!

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Re: Approach 1year on the horizon advice please
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2012, 12:46:10 pm »
Congratulations on 1 year bfing!!! ;D

I would drop one of the daytime feeds (whichever you want, doesn't really matter) first, wait a few days, then drop the other. If you feel any discomfort after dropping the first feed, wait a bit longer before dropping the second. By this age though our bodies have become 'supply and demand' experts and the likelihood of getting engorged is much, much less than during the early days, kwim? I wouldn't worry about offering the breast after meals if that's not something you want to do long term, just carry on with the feeds you would like to keep. We did just the bedtime feeds for months and months with no trouble!

Given that she just takes a small feed during the day anyway, I would just not offer the breast and immediately offer a fun snack and drink (food and distraction - a winning combination when you're weaning a feed! ;))
D ~ dairy, egg, peanut/nut and mustard allergies
Proud to have breastfed for over 24 months!

Offline Riley&Avery'sMommy

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Re: Approach 1year on the horizon advice please
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2012, 13:27:14 pm »
Claudia, our LOs are just 1 day apart! I'm going through the same thing right now. I dropped the BF after the morning nap at 10 months because I went back to work. Just this past Thursday, I dropped the BF after her afternoon nap. I plan to drop the morning BF next, maybe in 2 weeks? Then the BT will be the last to go at around the year mark. I did the same with DD1 and Vikki is right, the chances of being engorged are much less at this point.

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Re: Approach 1year on the horizon advice please
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2012, 20:43:26 pm »
If she wants milk, does she have a particular way to "ask" for it, like signing?  I just ask because I've been doing a "don't offer, don't refuse" type thing on the daytime feeds.  We still do a WU and BT feed, but some days she has a daytime feed if she signs for milk and other days she doesn't.  Could that work?
*** Amanda ***

Offline Claudiamummy

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Re: Approach 1year on the horizon advice please
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2012, 08:47:23 am »
Ladies I am SO sorry for the late reply, I am so rude, but tbh, between the nw, screaming before and during naps and naps of 35min, I am exhausted, and can hardly find the time/energy to eat!! ... Hey ho it's not forever is it:-))

So a huge thank you for your replies,we have made a start on dropping the pm feed.... Feel guilty and keep questioning
Is it too soon
Is She ok with a snack
Am I giving too much/little as a snack?

Fiver, we don't sign, although I am thinking about starting as we are a bilingual family, however I have just tried to watch her cues... We still cuddle after nap, but she seems  ok I *think*

Next thing is the early feed, it's causing issues......
Dd is stirring around 5.25am and waking at 5.50 for a feed.... It's got us in a cycle of 6.30bt bt (when naps are not to dramatic of course!!) even if she goes down later she is still waking....and as it's close to wu time she will not resettle

 So after the clock change I am going to see about getting dh on the case with me....

Shheeeesh..... If it's not one thing!!


Love and adore my perfect little textbook/touchy DD
Born April 10th 2011...thank you to Dh for such an amazing gift after only 1 year of marriage!

Offline Riley&Avery'sMommy

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Re: Approach 1year on the horizon advice please
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2012, 15:06:54 pm »
How's it going Claire? Currently, I BF Avery at w/u, she gets a snack after nap 1, a bottle of formula after nap 2, and I BF her before bed. I think I'll make the bottle another snack and I'm going to drop the w/u BF next. I was at the ped on Friday (poor girl had an upper respiratory infection) and when I asked her about weaning & cow's milk, she said to start offering milk at meal times in a cup. She also said to do the BT routine minus the BF when it's time, not to substitute it with a bottle. I like this idea because I don't want to create a bottle addict ;) she also said no more than 16 oz a day and she doesn't have to drink any as long as she eats yogurt, cheese etc. Hope things are going well for you :)

Offline Claudiamummy

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Re: Approach 1year on the horizon advice please
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2012, 19:53:37 pm »
Hi Dana,

Blimey I read yr reply and for to post sorry (again!!)

Well dd has not blinked over not having the pm
Bf, and I have worked out that any snack after nap2 really affects her solid tea... I think she is full after lunch as well, so we don't do a pm snack

On the AM
I am still feeding at 5am
Snuggle til w/u the another wee top up fed
Solid breakfast
Am catnap
Bf..... This is going to be the next one to go next week
I am looking forward to being able to nap dd in the car and give her a snack in groups (she will NOT bf in public... Waaaay too nosey!!! Lol) but I also feel a bit sad....

Tbh, she is showing sign on dropping that feed herself... I often offer her some banana (and sone cows milk) before her nap.... she does fancy a bit and it's taking the edge off the feed

Can't belive we have come this far.... And I wanted to quit at 3m!!!! :))

Are u ready for the big 1st bday?:))

We are just having my niece and nephew over with cake :))

Hope yr DD has recovered from her illness?


Love and adore my perfect little textbook/touchy DD
Born April 10th 2011...thank you to Dh for such an amazing gift after only 1 year of marriage!

Offline Riley&Avery'sMommy

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Re: Approach 1year on the horizon advice please
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2012, 19:57:34 pm »
Hey Claire, glad to hear things are going well. You should be so proud you made it a whole year! It certainly is an accomplishment. I'm proud to say I was able to make it to a year with both girls. We are having a pretty big party, DH & I have lots of family. But I like the planning & creating a theme etc :)
So Avery is down to just the BF before BT. I dropped the morning BF & was hoping to replace it with a sippy but she was not interested, much happier with the bottle. So right now she's getting a morning bottle, one after the afternoon nap & BF at bedtime. Once I drop the last BF, I'm *hoping* that if I just do a little routine change (read a book & have a snuggle) she won't miss the BF. I'm ok with a bottle during the day but I feel like one at BT will create a habit that I don't want to encourage considering I put her down awake & she puts herself to sleep independently. We'll see....