Two nights ago Alyssa had two brief nws. Then last night she had a 2.5hour nw.
her last canine is about to cut and she has been experiencing SA at night time.
During the nw she wants me to stay in her room until she falls asleep. She will call me to make sure I am still there. If I leave too soon she will cry.
Last night was just horrible. She was up from 1-3:30am. She woke up Madison and of course, Madi had to come see what was going on. This of course, further woke A up.
I have already reduced her nap from 2hours to 1hr and 45mins. Sometimes she will do 1.5hrs on her own.
She is on the high side of A.
Any suggestions?
here is her routine
wake 7am
nap 12:30-2:15pm
bed 7:50pm