My boy is 13.5 mo. The EASY is as follows:
5:30-6:00 wake up and eat
6:30. A(he will play happily for about 1hr, then he seems boring and begin sucking thumb and
looks sleepy. I will try to play with him with other different toys.)
10:00. S(he can sleep for 40min to 1hr)
11:30. E
12:00. A(again he is happy for the 1st hr and a little sleepy then after)
15:00. E
15:30. S(40min or 1hr)
18:00. E
18:30. A(not so happy ,always weepy)
20:00. E
20:30. S
Since he always seems sleep, I Chang his nap yesterday. He sleeps for 40min from 10:00 and 40min from 12:30 and 1.5th from 4:00. But I don't think it is a good habit for a kid of this age, it us rather for a little baby?