I think you sound like your on the right track Hun,it's hard when they are up at night and your tired
I think you do what to make sure NF are at least as far apart as day feeds,otherwise your LO can start to tank up at night, not day and end up Expecting feeds e Rey time they wake, leading to prop issues later on.
With yor 3.30 feed for example I would try not to feed. Does your LO have a paci,do you feel he is sucking because he needs the breast to get back to sleep. It's at this age their sleep cycles change and they stir more frequently at night. def try shh/pat,or if that do spent work,anything to start with ie rocking to get him back to sleep
Some your LO have a lovey? I could be a good time to introduce one
So tanking up....it doesn't mean snacking all day, it means feeding them when they are hungry during the day so they have full feeds. It also is refered too sometimes as cluster feeding in the evening, so you may feed 7am, 11, 2, 5, 6.15, 7.30 with the last 3 being cluster feeds before BT. I'm not sure on the timing of CF so maybe try Bf board for more info? If your LOfeeds well during the day then they shouldn't need as much at night.
Hope that makes some sense! X