I am wondering what is going on with my baby's nappy contents!
My LO is 4 months and EBF. He had his 4month jabs last week and did the grossest black/dark green poo the next day which I am assuming were a result of the shots. Has anyone else seen this in their nappies?
Also I've noticed that lately, more often than not his poos have been slimy yellow/greenish and not the lovely normal mustard seed BF poos. I've done a bit of reading and come up with some conflicting reasons why he might be having slimy poos: allergies, extra drool from teething, infections, fore/hind milk imbalance. I don't think any of these relate to us.
Allergies - no solids yet
Teething - while he can be pretty drooly sometimes, i don't think we are teething yet
infections - seems fine
fore/hind milk imbalance - feeding, sleeping and putting on weight well
But these poos, kind of freak me out. Has anyone else encountered slimy poos and all was well? Or have any ideas what they might be from?