My DD had a tummy bug for a couple of days earlier this week, vomiting a couple of times & getting diarrhoea several times a day especially during or after feeds.
Before she was ill she was taking 7oz every 4 hours & a 6oz dream feed & draining most bottles. Whilst she was ill she refused one feed completely but apart from that she was still taking 6/6.5oz at most feeds. She pretty much recovered now (still a little bit of diarrhoea) but is only now taking about half her feed each time. She usually takes a couple of ounces & then gags the bottle out, so I stop for 5/10 minutes & can maybe get another 2 ounces down her before she refuses more.
Any suggestions why this might be happening & what I can do? Should I feed her little & often just to get her daily milk intake up (worried about turning her into a snacker) or just leave it as is & let her take only what she wants? Should I maybe try changing the teat size? She's 5 months next week but always been on a Size 1 teat as she seems comfortable with it & only takes 10/15 mins to take 7oz which feels about right.
Thanks in advance for your help.