Author Topic: Need Help Analyzing Current EASY Routine  (Read 1019 times)

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Need Help Analyzing Current EASY Routine
« on: April 23, 2012, 18:46:23 pm »
My three week old daughter is our second child.  For the first child we followed EASY quite successfully but didn't start until month 3.  For DD#2 we started immediately upon arrival at home.  DD#2 is waking at times through the night and I'd like some assistance in analyzing her schedule and tweaking where needed to get her sleeping better through the night.

We are breastfeeding and supplementing with formula

5:30am -   Eat (breast + 3 oz formula)
6:30am -   Activity
8:00am -   Sleep
9:30am -   Activity
10:30am - Eat (breast + 3 oz formula)
11:30am - Activity
12:30pm - Sleep
2:00pm -   Eat (breast + 3 oz formula)
3:00pm -   Activity
5:30pm -   Eat (breast + 3 oz formula)
6:00pm -   Sleep
7:00pm -   Eat (breast + 3 oz formula)
8:00pm -   Sleep
11:00pm -  Eat "Dream Feed" (3 oz formula)
2:30am -   Eat (breast + 3oz formula) -
3:30am -   Sleep
5:30am - Feed (breast + 3oz formula)

Around 2:00am she will begin stirring but we can usually sooth her (shush-pat or pacifier) for 30 - 60 min before she wakes fully).

On average over a week she is sleeping 14 hours in a 24 hour period and drinking 17 oz formula (on top of the breast milk she is getting first).  Does anyone have any thoughts on how best to modify our routine so she is sleeping longer during the night?


Two very tired parents

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Re: Need Help Analyzing Current EASY Routine
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2012, 19:04:36 pm »
Your EASY actually looks really good! Having a newborn is always tiring, but just a small number of them STTN from early days. Having 2, 3 and even 4 feeds a night for BF babies is more than normal (mine was FF and had 3 and 2 feeds for a long time).
I do think her A time might be too long for her age, but I can see that you are getting good naps. Perhaps you can shorten the A time a little bit... Have a look here:
I know this is not the answer you were looking for, but it does take time till they are more settled into sleeping longer stretches and your LO is already doing so well :)
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Offline LouiseV

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Re: Need Help Analyzing Current EASY Routine
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2012, 00:46:36 am »
I have to agree. This is a tiring, kinda horrible while being lovely time!! Her easy looks normal and great and I think she will naturally start stretching those hours out if you let her. She still needs to feed frequently and not many doctors would recommend letting a tiny one this age "sleep through" a feed just yet. But she will!!!

Try adding white noise and swaddling. This increased out little mans sleep time dramatically at this age and from about 6 weeks he could go for about 7 hours at night

Hang in there!
First baby boy born March 2011 :)