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Offline scruffymax

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« on: May 09, 2012, 04:32:47 am »
Apologies if this has been addressed previously - I couldn't get the search function to work.

Since around 8 weeks, my 14wo has stopped taking big feeds - she would previously feed around 20 minutes, but it suddenly dropped to 5-10 minutes.  I realise that they can become a lot more efficient at feeding but a lot of the time she now needs 2 feeds during an awake time.

EASY routine is basically like this:

E 6:30
S 8:00
E 9:30
S 11:00
E 12:30pm
S 2:00pm
E 3:30pm
S 5:00pm
E 5:45pm
A bath 6:00pm
E 6:30pm
S (bedtime) 7pm
E (DF - bottle of EBM) 10pm

LO usually doesn't have an overnight feed.  A lot of the time sleeps right through, and if she wakes (sometimes once, sometimes more) I'll try to resettle her with dummy - if that fails 3 times I feed her.

With the EASY routine I have written, that is just an approximate.  At least half of the A times would have 2 feeds.  Once she has finished feeding there is no putting her back on - if I persist in trying she starts crying.  Sometimes she starts getting cranky around half an hour after a feed and will take an additional feed then; sometimes it will come time to put her down for her nap and she won't settle and I'll feed her then.  She only rarely (once every couple of weeks) would feed to sleep.  If she's only had a short feed I'll try to feed her next time on the same side, but if she starts pulling on and off I switch her to the other side.

The last couple of days she has been getting really cranky about 45min-hour into A time and I know she's hungry but she just won't latch on and eat (after having a short feed early in the A time).  She gets more and more worked up and eventually eats but that is after some screaming!  I think at those times, maybe letdown is too slow for her - but then again, sometimes she won't even close her mouth around the nipple at all and will just turn her head away.

Sometimes I feed her as soon as she wakes up (still swaddled, in her darkened bedroom) and sometimes I let her play for a bit until she seems hungry (as she often has eaten just before a nap so really it is only 1.5 hours since eating), but it doesn't seem to make a difference to whether she snacks or takes a full feed.  Yesterday I fed her at 5:30am and that was the biggest feed she's had in weeks - she ate one side for 10 minutes then the other side for 5.  Usually the first feed of the day is still only a short one (and I express the other side for the DF bottle).

She is putting on weight (sticking around 50th percentile) and has lots of wet nappies but dirty ones have dropped significantly - used to be one almost every feed, now about one a day.

Is there anything I can do to stop her snacking?  I was okay to go with the flow but since she has started getting so upset from hunger I want to do something about it.


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Re: Snacking
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2012, 16:27:39 pm »
I presume you've already tried burping her after she seems to have stopped feeding, otherwise that may be a good place to start.  She may feel full because she's got wind in her tummy so doesn't immediately want to take more.  If she's screaming at the breast and doesn't even want to latch, I would be asking myself whether she's actually hungry or whether she needs something else.  Could she be windy/tired/in pain/wanting a change of scenery or activity?

As for the slow down in poo production, that is also normal.  Often BF babies don't have a bowel movement every day (my DS's record was something like 21 days, but he was not comfortable by the time he went!) and a lot go every other day or every 3rd day.
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Offline scruffymax

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Re: Snacking
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2012, 22:09:49 pm »
Thanks Fiver.  I am wondering myself if I am misreading her cues.  So I have decided today is "no top-up feed day" LOL!  I have put her down for her first nap already and she didn't settle immediately, but I persisted in settling her in the cot and after a few minutes she did go to sleep.  So that was a win  :)

Last night she woke at 9:30pm (we normally dream feed her at 10pm) so I breastfed her instead of giving her the dreamfeed bottle (normally 120-130ml of EBM).  She ate for 7 minutes then didn't want anymore - started crying when I tried to give her more.  I got so frustrated I put her straight to bed (realised later I didn't even burp her), and she went straight to sleep and slept until 5:45am.  So I guess I just need to be confident that she can get what she needs in only a few minutes, considering she can last 8 hours on a 7 minute feed.

Offline Fiver

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Re: Snacking
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2012, 10:28:09 am »
Sounds like she's become a lot more efficient at feeding, which is totally normal.  See how you go today :)
*** Amanda ***

Offline scruffymax

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Re: Snacking
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2012, 22:22:15 pm »
Ok, so it looks like I was totally misreading LO's cues - we survived "no top-up feed day" with no problems!  This was even with one of her naps only being 20 mins instead of 1.5 hours (we were out and she only napped 20 mins in the pram) - she still lasted 3 hours between feeds all day.

I got her weighed yesterday and she has only put on just over 500g in 5 weeks.  The nurse wasn't worried though - said it is completely normal for a baby with her eating habits.  She told me to increase the DF bottle to 150ml.  She said the DF is probably what's getting her over the line to ensure she is getting enough to eat and putting on some weight.  Both my husband and I are fairly slim so TBH I expected to have a small baby and was surprised when she was 7 pound 13 ounces LOL!  She is happy and healthy and sleeping well so I am just going to accept that her feeds are 6-7 minutes and that's that.  I used to get a lot of TV watching done while feeding her but now it's not even worth turning the TV on  ;)

Any ideas on whether it is worth trying to start stretching her to 3.5 hours soon in readiness for aiming for 4 hour EASY at 4 months (she is almost 3.5 months now)?  I'm certainly going to have at least a few days of no snacks before changing anything else.  I'm  not sure whether spacing the feeds further apart would mean she would eat more at each feed or whether she would just end up not getting enough calories during the day?  On the advice of my paed I'm aiming to start some solids around 4 months - I know that is not really supported on this forum as it's against current guidelines to wait until 6 months but my paed has me convinced (they think that delaying until 6 months is contributing to children's food allergies - there are studies going on at the moment but the results won't be available for a while).

Offline Erin M

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Re: Snacking
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2012, 12:00:36 pm »
I'd only stretch if you feel like she's ready - happily waiting for more time between feeds, napping a bit longer, losing interest quickly in feeds (which is a tough one to gauge for you right now).  But if things are going well with your routine right now, I wouldn't mess with it.  All of mine let me know when they were ready to stretch their feeds out, many bf babies don't make it there until closer to 6 months.

Offline scruffymax

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Re: Snacking
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2012, 22:38:30 pm »
I don't know whether she is getting used to the whole "no snacking" thing, or if she's about to go through a growth spurt, but yesterday she suddenly started eating more - as in going back for more after being burped, and going onto the second side after she had drained the first one.  We even had some 15 minute feeds, twice as long as usual.  Ah babies, they like to keep you on your toes!!!  We are still at 3 hourly feeds as it seems to be working well, she is happy and she is sleeping well at night (and during the day).

Offline Erin M

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Re: Snacking
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2012, 11:52:39 am »
It sounds like you're doing well!  :)

Offline Fiver

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Re: Snacking
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2012, 19:19:56 pm »
Sounds good to me too :)
*** Amanda ***