Author Topic: MPI or something else??  (Read 2185 times)

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MPI or something else??
« on: December 09, 2011, 22:15:11 pm »
A good friend of mine has a LO who is just about 5 months old now and was BF'd until a month old... constant screaming, boob refusal etc... ended up hospitalized for dehydration - tonnes of blood tests were done but she was never told that anything was wrong with him... not advised to try an ED herself, but was told that she should switch to a lactose free, sensitive formula... she did right away and things were good for a while.  LO was on probiotics for 3 months and they ran out...

He has what sounds like normal poops - soft, not liquid... no mucous etc... dark green/brown colour.  The issue is that he has terrible gas - toots like a madman and is having sleep issues because of it - short napping, total nap refusals, BT battles, constant NWing...   She has used Ovol drops with minimal effect (same as Infacol in the UK).

Could it be MPSI?  Would it be a good idea to give HAF a trial?  If so, how long to see a change??


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Re: MPI or something else??
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2011, 12:40:34 pm »
Yep, sounds like a digestive issue of some kind. Olly's main symptom of tummy troubles was gas at night causing long, painful NWs for him. Def worth a try of a HAF. TBH she could see an improvement in a few days though it would probably take at least 2 weeks for the milk protein to completely leave his system and then while longer for the gut to heal.

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Re: MPI or something else??
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2011, 20:41:28 pm »
That was exactly what I thought - thanks so much for confirming for me ;)

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Re: MPI or something else??
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2011, 07:36:44 am »
And remember that HAF might not be enough as it still contains dairy proteins they are just more digestable.  Some kids do require the elemental formula with no dairy in it at all.

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Re: MPI or something else??
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2011, 21:33:44 pm »
Thanks Eloise!

So far, she hasn't done the trial... he is starting BW now so hopefully most of his issues are related to a lack of routine more than anything.  She did start him on the probiotics again as well and she is seeing some improvement.  It also seems that he is teething - she just noticed some big white bumps yesterday... could explain some of the gas issues too.

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Re: MPI or something else??
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2012, 05:09:21 am »
I'm with the lovely ladies here on this. I think a formula change would be well worth it. HAF is generally cheaper and tolerated by a lot of lo's so I think I would try that first before going with elemental. Hopefully her lo wouldnt' be sensitive enough to need an elemental formula.
Vicki - nursing student and proud mother to three refluxers in two years

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Re: MPI or something else??
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2012, 20:10:29 pm »
Thanks Vicki :)  He is now 10 months old and has been given the OK to stop formula all together as he eats like a grown man...   He still barfs up water etc :(

He was tested last week for a range of allergies (blood tests) so will post results when they come back!

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Re: MPI or something else??
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2012, 20:11:34 pm »
Should add - he was on rice milk and managed to bring that up as well.  A small 4 oz bottle and 5 spills!  Poor kid...

He has been on Zantac, Prevacid, Prilosec and now Nexium (only a week so far).