my DS never took a paci, but this LO LOVES IT!!! in fact, i often can't calm her with a boob.
if i let her get really upset (i.e. to crying point for a while before I feed her), i have to calm her with the paci and then nurse her (basically do a switch & bait).
I just think it is odd. She doesn't suck on it all the time just when it is close to nap time.
SHe is sleeping pretty well at night but, for instance, tonight she would rather suck on the paci then nurse. So i have to get her drowsy with the paci and then nurse her. She just isn't that interested. Granted, I am cluster feeding but I think we are heading to a 3.5 easy so maybe she just isn't hungry since I just nursed her at 430 and 630? (she didn't nurse too long at 630 either).
I just don't want to get into bad habits with it.