Thanks for replying Laura. I did consider reflux - silent of course, she does have slight reflux problems but nothing major. This transient lactase deficiency can have reflux tendencies. She is on aptamil. I started recording how much she was having last weekend and she was averaging about 24oz which seems a bit under a 14lb baby, but her last weigh in last week was all fine - in some ways with the change over from breast to bottle, it's too soon to work out if there's a pattern. The last couple of days she's only taking 19 1/2 oz which is why I've given her a bit of water as well.
Thanks for reassuring me about the tears, she has cried proper tears, but I suppose they don't always??
She's on aptamil, 2-4 big dirty nappies a day, which one doctor said were a bit spready and to watch (we brought one to show him!), but then when we went back to the doctor and saw another one, he just commented (without seeing them) that it was within normal range. It's so difficult having consistency with a doctors practice when you see different doctors all the time.
I've been on aptamil 1 but as she's a snacker, I find that I can't prepare enough bottles with colief in as you need to wait 4 hours with making formula in advance. So today I went out and bought Aptamil Comfort and SMA Lactose Free. The question is which to use? I really don't think she has a lactose intolerance - a tiny percentage of the population has that.. I know she could be one, just not convinced, anyway she's thriving, possibly over thriving, which isn't the case with lactose intolerance. I think she could possibly manage without lactose for the next month or 2 without any future implications, just to get over this time that she has problems processing it.
The other thing which occured to me today is that this sleeplessness of the last few nights started the day of her 3 month injections, so I'm wondering if there's also a connection there. However, her legs definitely shoot up in the air at night (and often in the morning) which wakes her up. Could this be due to the injections?
And in the end.. I want to get her in a routine! We have a bedtime routine thankfully but she wakes up with a big yawn and we just try to catch up with longer naps during the day. Until she's over whatever she has, I just feel that I've got to go with flow and not impose too much, just try desperately to follow her lead.
We really are such baby detectives...