Author Topic: 6 MO - PEACHES ALLERGY?  (Read 1912 times)

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Offline mamatea4

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« on: May 21, 2012, 14:58:29 pm »
I recently started my 6 mo on solids.  My first daughter had no food intolerance or allergies so this is new territory to me. 

I gave DD2 peaches (pureed, Gerber) and after about 5-6 spoonfuls she started to get red patches around her eyes, ears, back of neck & across back of shoulders.  I stopped immediately & there were no further problems. 

But I'm wondering . . . can I try to reintroduce this food again or do I stay away from it all together?  And if she has a problem with peaches do I need to be careful with say apples or pears?


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« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2012, 15:10:38 pm »
We had reactions to peaches and found that it was stone fruits only and not apples, pears etc. So with the stone fruits for E it was anything with a pit. Peaches, nectarines, cherries and mangoes. You can certainly try them but if you start having reactions with other stone fruit it may be a family of fruit that is the issue iykwim. Just a fyi though, after E showed sensitivity to stone fruits she then showed sensitivities to tropical fruits too.

Keep a note of them and try to follow the five day rule when introducing so each fruit has five day on it's own before you decide it's safe and introduce another. It keeps it much more simple when you have a reaction to figure out what caused it.
Vicki - nursing student and proud mother to three refluxers in two years

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« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2012, 15:29:46 pm »
If you try it again, I'd keep something like benadryl on  hand in case the reaction is more severe. Repeated exposures can mean a stronger reaction. Or obviously it could have been something else or a coincidence. But this way you are prepared.

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« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2012, 21:17:47 pm »
We had a few issues with reactions to fruit (just as you describe) with my eldest daughter.
I spoke to GP about them and he suggested leaving them for 1 months and try again, if there was a reaction, leave off them for another month, providing the reactions did not get worse we could try 3 times before we should go back, mostly the reactions went, it was only melons and cucumber that didn't and she still has reacions now-she is 5.5 now tho so the advice might be different.

Offline mamatea4

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« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2012, 13:56:48 pm »
Thanks for all the suggestions!

I haven't tried any further fruits with pits yet, but I did try banana which is a tropical fruit I guess.  She has a reaction to the banana as well, but much milder than what occurred with the peaches so I tried again the next day & the reaction as almost non-existent.

I like the suggestion about holding off on the food that causes a reaction & reintroducing it a month later and so on; I will give that a try. :)