Thanks for the replies, ladies.
Wendy, I know just how you feel

DD is also very physical, and I think that plays into it, but really, she doesn't sit and play with much of anything. She kind of just follows me around all day, and gets into stuff she's not supposed to be into, lol. She loves searching for bugs, running, jumping, biking, swimming, loves to be out and about with other kids. But sometimes, I long for her to just sit and play with SOMETHING! It's a rarity here honestly. She does enjoy crafts, but the attention span is short and someone has to be her audience. Play-doh she does enjoy and is really the only thing she will occasionally do alone.
I do know part of the issue here is I desperately need to sort thru and organize her toys. That's definitely the first step before any new toys. But there are some great ideas here I do think DD will really enjoy.