Hi, my dd is 9 months old and I have just gone back to work full time while she stays at home with dh. She was introduced to a bottle when she was a week old and we have used it occasionally to give her expressed milk when I've been out. We haven't had any problems at all, she has always swapped from bottle to breast easily so we didn't invisage there being any problems when I returned to work. But she is refusing to have any milk at all when I'm out. We've tried using a couple of different sippy cups and she will have one or two sips but not a lot. She has water in a sippy cup with her meals and enjoys sipping the water but doesn't drink a huge amount. So I am a bit worried that she will get dehydrated in this hot weather if she doesn't drink anything.
Her Easy was
7am Breastfeed
8.30 Breakfast (we've been giving her porridge or cereal made with expressed milk so she gets 2 or 3 oz of milk here)
10am Nap
11/11.30 Milk (refusing)
12pm Lunch
2pm Nap
3/3.30 Milk (refusing)
4.30/5 Tea
6.15 Bath, breastfeed
7pm asleep
What has been happening is that if I can get home from work by 4 or 4.30 I am giving her a breastfeed then but she has such a long feed that it is then really hard to have time for dinner so bedtime is getting later and she is having milk, dinner, milk in a very short time.
I am a teacher so will be working next week and then have a week off for half term and then 6 weeks of work before the 6 week summer holiday. I was intending to keep our 4 breastfeeds a day until August when she is 1. I am at home with her all weekend.
Should we keep going as we are, offering her some milk mid-morning and mid-afternoon and breastfeeding her on the days I am at home? The health visitor says that we can replace the milk feeds with a snack but I really think she should be having milk as her main source of nutrition until she is a year old.
SHould I change her afternoon routine so she has a much earlier dinner, so it would become
12pm lunch
2pm nap
3/3.30 dinner
4.30/5 breastfeed when I get home
6.15 bath and breastfeed
7.00 bed
She wakes at least once in the night for a feed usually sometime between 2 and 4 although sometimes she wakes two or three times.
How much water do you think she should be drinking in the day?
Sorry this is such a long post. Thanks in advance for any suggestions you have.