Hi there, I am hoping to get some help with my DS2 who has just turned 10months. He was a healthy 4.25kg at birth. Has always been a great independent settler and has been a great improvement on DS1 in terms of sleep given we have more of an idea this time around! (Discovered BW when DS1 was ~ 9months and it worked wonders with us understanding his sleep needs
DS2 has only STTN on a handful of occasions. He has pretty much always woken for a feed ~ 8hr mark in his night, so ~ 0230/0300. This was always the case from when he was very little so I was happy to do one feed in the night. This has continued but we are now getting a bit messy in the night and I've lost my way a bit.
I am thinking we are in the throes of 2-1 nap transition (he hit 3-2 late 5mnths and dropped the catnap pretty quickly this time round as I didn't have time to AP at that time of night with toddler in tow. He handled it really well, he appears to be lower sleep needs like his older brother).
He started crawling about two weeks ago. Has two teeth that arrived a couple of months ago without too much bother. Possible more are coming. I thought there were some imminent so have tried pain relief during night but that doesn't seem to make any difference.
Basically he goes to bed awake and will self settle for naps and BT fine. Sometimes we'll get a couple of brief wakings (less than 2mins) late evening 2300/0000. He settles quickly for these. Then he has his feed ~ 0200. After this, he can be quite wakeful through to start of day. He will at least cry out at 10.5hrs, sometimes I can get him to go back to sleep, but it will be restless until wakeup. Sometimes (like this morning) he won't go back to sleep at all.
Our past couple of days have looked like this (have just done sleep):
Wake 0635 happy
A 3hr40 (have been trying to push slightly)
S 1015 - 1140 happy
A 3hr30
S 1510 - 1620 woke him as getting late
BT 1900 - asleep 1925 (A 3hr05)
NF 0130 (a bit earlier than 8hrs), 0440 (difficult to settle at 0440 so gave little feed but didn't really help), finally asleep, woke 0708 with small grizzle then fine.
A 3hrs
S 1010 - 1045 (in pram - went to park across road for a bit as thought we'd have time given A yesterday but fell asleep on way home in pram)
A 3hr15
S 1400 - 1540 happy
A 3hr35
BT 1850 - asleep 1915
Brief NW 0004, NF 0240, NW 0545, not resettling. Slept on me but each time put in cot woke up. Got him up at 0650. Clearly still tired.
During the night I will not feed him until ~ 8hr mark. I try to stay out of his room at the 10.5hr mark as I think going to him just wakes him even more at that point. *Sometimes* he'll got back to sleep at 10.5hrs but mostly he'll just escalate his grizzling and then I go to him and try to give him a cuddle and then put him back down. This is not very successful!
I am slowly reducing the duration of the NF, we have gone from 8mins to 4mins so far. I'm hoping he'll pick up the extra calories in the day and then eventually we'll be down to 1min and not even feed at all
I think there are two issues here:
1. I have trained him to NF. He's always had it and I think he's come to rely on it. Do we continue reducing duration or just go cold turkey?
2. I think we need a routine tweak. His A's are typically round 3hr15 to 3hr30 - a bit low given he handles things well?
I am not sure if the 10.5hr wakeup is due to routine tweak being required or if the NF is interrupting his night? Is he UT or OT? NW's get worse if he has more than 2hrs day sleep. I know the above A's are inconsistent, I'm trying to push his A. I'm sure there's something glaringly obvious but to be honest I'm so tired I'm just not sure where to begin!
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading