Hi! DS is a 6.5 month old, EBF angel baby. He has never STTN. While I would LOVE LOVE LOVE for him to STTN/do a long 8 hour stretch, we are currently dealing with awful and long NW. The NW is usually around 3, but can be as early as 2 and lasts anywhere from 1-2 hours. Most of the time the NW looks like an inability to settle, I'll give him the pacifier and hold my hand on his bank and he will settle for a few minutes, and then start stirring again (my hand still on his back) or I will pat him firmly and he will settle but wake the minute I stop patting (no matter how long I've been patting). I've tried feeding him immediately (although my gut tells me he does not need this feeding anymore) and still he is unable to settle. Lately, after about an hour of trying to settle him in the crib (always after feeding to rule out hunger), I will pick him up and rock him for about 20 minutes and then put him back in the crib and he will sleep through til his EW of 5:30. On a really bad night, he is not just merely unable to settle - he is high pitched screaming and I can feed him to quiet him, but then he will take hours to actually settle back to sleep.
Some background: DS has been on EASY since birth and is without a doubt an angel baby. He is sociable, smiley and *most of the time* a great napper (knock on wood). He has never STTN but has a handful of times done a 6-hour stretch. He is EBF and eating three meals a day. We only recently started the third meal in hopes of getting a longer night time stretch, but things have gotten worse. I don't think he has tummy troubles because he naps well and his solids are really easy solids like pear, sweet potato, and just a little apple and carrot.
Props: He has a pacifier, but doesn't use it to fall asleep for night or naps unless he is very OT. He sucks his fingers usually.
3-2 Transition: On days that DS naps well, we usually only have 2 naps, and an early bedtime. On days where DD has school, or his naps are bad, he will pretty happily go down for a third nap or fall asleep in the car for 20 min on the way home from an activity.
General EASY (3 nap day which ive been sticking to bc i thought he was getting OT)
EW: 530
E: 7
A: til 8:30ish (solids around
S: 8:30-10
E:11 (solids at 12)
S: 1-2:30 (or 3) --> if this nap starts late or finishes after 3 i'll for an early bedtime rather than super late cat nap
E: 3 (solids 5)
S: this nap varies bc its always in the car but usually 20 min bw 4-5
A: solids at 5
Bedtime 6:30 if 2 naps, 7 if 3 (and feed right before bed)
NW 1: 11ish -- takes big feed and goes right back down
NW 2: 3ish -- loooong NW and feeding does not resettle him, and if it does only for 10-15 min or so.
Oh, no sign of teeth so i dont think its that.
Please help me make a plan to get rid of this long 2nd nw!!!!!