Author Topic: help please. 12 week old, crying all day.  (Read 1185 times)

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Offline rubberducky88

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help please. 12 week old, crying all day.
« on: June 30, 2012, 19:04:15 pm »
I know I've posted a couple of times before but we're still having nap troubles and I've spent a big part of this evening crying  :'(
I need some help!

My LO will be 12 weeks old tomorrow and can't nap for a long time in the day. He settles perfectly for it, minimal fussing, we don't (and never have had to) rock to sleep or anything, literally just put in crib - turn on aquariam and he starts going to sleep.
But then he'll wake up after 40/45mins ish. He'll then cry and be very very hard to settle again as he's so tired.
At home, potentially, I can get him back to sleep with his dummy etc.

The problem is when we go out/round my mums etc. He'll go down perfect etc, bang wakes up! Then he'll cry and scream and get in such a state for about 45mins before settling again for another 20min nap.

What can I do :( I'm stuck in my flat alone all day because I can't bear for him to get worked up when he's so tired in between naps.

Please help me, I hate seeing my boy so sad.

He has been sleeping 7pm-6am the last week, we've been feeding him and putting him back to bed where he'll sleep for another 2hrs - is this where we're going wrong? Should I try and start his EASY from 6am as his wake time instead of trying to extend his night sleep?


Offline Papaya

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Re: help please. 12 week old, crying all day.
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2012, 13:36:15 pm »
Huge hugs hun.

Can you please post your EASY for us? I wonder if he's a little OT. Or could there be any discomfort issues - reflux, etc?


Offline babybarr

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Re: help please. 12 week old, crying all day.
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2012, 18:27:05 pm »
I could've written your post.  DS had reflux would sttn but only do 45mins naps to the minute and wake crying every.single.time.  I also stayed in most days. :(

At around 8mths I put him on set naps and reflux was under control and we finally had longer naps.

Offline lady5280

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Re: help please. 12 week old, crying all day.
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2012, 22:23:48 pm »
Just wanted to let you know that things will get better! My DS was the exact same way, and I tried everything to extend naps. I kept thinking, he's past the point where "colic" should be so bad, why is he still crying and not sleeping?? W2S helped a bit, but in the end, he just grew out of it- naps started getting much better around 4-5 months, and night sleep around 6.5 months. We still struggle, but I realized he just wasn't mature enough to sleep longer periods of time yet. Hang in there!!!

Offline Desley

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Re: help please. 12 week old, crying all day.
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2012, 22:52:35 pm »
I can relate to you, my 6 month old is only just able to sleep the hour and a halfoccasionally- maybe once a day on a good day. He settles himself and falls to sleep easily, but he tries to resettle and can't. He has reflux which is medicated, but for the first few months we only had 20 minute naps and even now he wakes up screaming and will always get burps up and spit up. It will be exhausting for you if your little one has reflux or some similar discomfort. I've had to just go with my lo routine and stick to easy as close as we can. It is usually easaeay. My advice to you is just to go with it and try not to get too stressed about it, if bub is able to fall asleep on their own so easily you're doing something right, it may just be discomfort