Hi all,
I recently posted on the PUPD board, but now, I think I need some help with my LOs NWs.
My LO is 8 months old in about a week, is EBF and on 3 meals a day of solids (mix of purees and BLW).
I started PUPD sleep training 4 weeks ago, went cold turkey and ditched the pacifier, put him in his cot in a separate room and tried to feed him just once during the night. I had some success after week 1, serious regression in week 2 and 3, and thought we were nearly there at the end of week 3 when he would have 2 lovely naps during the day with little or no trouble, and only 1 or 2 night wakings at midnight and at 4am when he was fed each time, before he slept all the way to 6.45am.
Week 4 has been a complete nightmare.
My DH and I had a huge fight last Saturday night, and my LO woke up 8 times that night. He was put to sleep at 6pm, then woke at 6.25 (shush pat back then straight to sleep), 7.30 (when I did the no no and fed him to sleep at 8.10 after 40 minutes of hysterical crying then straight to sleep), 930 (shush pat back then straight to sleep), 9.45 (shush pat back then straight to sleep), 1000 (shush pat back then straight to sleep), 11.30 (fed again), 3.00am (fed again), 5.00am (shush pat back then straight to sleep) and then 6.45am when he woke for the day.
I realise I shouldn't feed him after a long stretch of crying as it sends the wrong message that he has to cry for ages to be fed, but I did it at the point when shushing and patting, and then PUPD just was NOT working and he was getting really hysterical. I had to actually take him out of his room, walk him around my bedroom until he settled down and then re-enter his room and try to settle him again. I thought to myself, surely this must just be a blip because he can sense my tension and that I'm upset after the argument, hopefully it will be better tomorrow once DH and I have settled down too!....NOT AT ALL. He's woken up on average about 8-10 times every night since. I've tried to be more disciplined and ensure that he is only fed at midnight and again at about 4am, but last night I caved in at about 1030 after an hour of hysterical crying. He went straight to sleep then until about 2.
He doesn't have a temperature and yes, he may be teething but he didn't make such a fuss the last time his two bottom teeth popped out. And heaven knows if it's a growth spurt. He's not crawling yet, so it can't be a developmental thing...
In the last week I've kept him on the same type of solids that he was eating in week 3 (I took out the acidic tomato based recipes, ditched the lentils which may have been hard to digest and cut out too much dairy) so I don't think it's his solid foods.
He's a bit of a 2.5; 3/3.5; 4 baby. At the moment his routine is:
* 6.30/6.45 wake for the day
* E 6.45 breast fed (both breasts, about 8 minutes each side, give or take a couple of minutes)
* E 7.45 breakfast of baby cereal, fruit and water
* A 6.45-9.15 (includes 15 minutes wind down time)
* S 9.15-10.45
* E 10.45 breast fed (both breasts, about 8 minutes each side, give or take a couple of minutes)
* E 11.45 lunch
* A 10.45-1.45/2.15 (includes 15 minutes wind down time)
* S 1.45/2.15 - 3.15/3.30 (give or take 10 minutes)
* E 3.15/3.30 breast fed (both breasts, about 8 minutes each side, give or take a couple of minutes)
* E 4.15/4.45 dinner
* A 3.15-7.15/8.00 (includes 30 minutes wind down after bath etc)
* E 6.45 top up breast feed (both breasts, about 8 minutes each side, give or take a couple of minutes)
* S 7.15/8.00
I don't do a DF (it never worked for me), and I'm not sure I want to introduce one now as I may then go from 2 night feeds to three (although essentially the 10.30 feed that he got last night was probably one, not that it prevented him waking all the other times!)
Day naps are great (1.5 hours each), and he sleeps through the first 40 minute sleep cycle with no trouble so I don't know why he can't do it at night. I don't mind 1 or 2 NWs with feeds each time (and he displayed these fabulous results in week 3) but with this many night wakings AND feeds now I just don't know what could be wrong. Maybe he fell into a bad habit from that one Saturday night? When the shush pat doesn't work and he starts crying now, it's also a completely different cry - it almost sounds "put on" and is really persistent, despite my efforts to settle him, and only stops when I feed him.
I'm heading back to work in 3 weeks, and while I think I can function now, I will not be able to function at work if he keeps this up.
Should I introduce a dream feed at 10 and then persist in refusing feeds at all the other NWs except perhaps for one at 3 or 4 am? Or should I persist in not feeding until he wakes at midnight/1am (and bear his hours of hysterical crying before then?).
Thanks in advance