My daughter just turned 7 months. We were recently having weeks of trouble with her waking up every hour AND picking a random middle-of-the-night waking to be wide awake and wanting to get up and play. We seem to have gotten past the every hour wakings (we moved her to the crib and cut her NFs back to just one - she's generally waking only once or twice a night now, and has for the last week), but she's still waking at least once a night wanting to start her day. It's not early waking - some nights it'll be at 1:30am after her "DF", other nights she wakes at 3 or 4 am. Usually it takes an hour of patting to get her back to sleep - she'll lie quietly and just stare off into the distance, just moving her head occasionally, maybe thump her feet on the mattress now and then. If we stop patting, she starts to fuss (the "I'm bored" crying, which eventually escalates being truly upset). Eventually (usually an hour or a bit longer) her eyes drift closed, and she sleeps for the rest of the night. I know usually wake ups like this mean a baby is UT, but I can't see how she's not tired! Her first A time of the day is 2 1/2 -3 hours (only occasionally less when she's -really- fussy) and we make an effort to make her other A times as close to 3 hours as possible.
Her EASY right now is approximately this:
Awake at 7:30am
E: 8am
S: 10am (1hr 20min)
E: 11:30am
S: 2:30pm (1hr 20min)
E: 3:00pm
S: 5:30pm (cat nap, 30-45min)
E/A: 6pm-7pm (I nurse her 2 or 3 times here to try and fill her up)
S: 7:30pm - 8pm
DF: ~1am (I'm not great about waking before her, so sometimes this is later if she sleeps longer)
She often does one nap of 2 hours (sometimes both) and skips the cat nap.
Yesterday is a prime example of why she CAN'T be UT. I was in town yesterday with her, and she had her first nap at my parent's house (2hrs). After that, she got about a 20 min nap in the car, and otherwise -refused- to go to sleep (OT, I'm sure, but she was inconsolable when I tried to make her nap when I got home). Finally got her to bed at around 8pm, and she went out like a light with no fuss or help. I woke up at 1:45am and fed her (first proper dream feed in awhile - usually she wakes up during, and then wants to party after!) and she was asleep shortly after 2am. Then she woke up at 4:15am, broke out of her swaddle, turned herself sideways in the crib, and started to cry for someone to entertain her. 1 hour and 15 minutes of patting later and she went back to sleep until 8:30am (oops, should have gotten her up at 7:30am). Today she's had two 2 hour 20min naps (had to wake her from the 2nd one) and she's still been tired and fussy much of the day.
So WHY does she want to party in the middle of the night??? And more importantly, how do I fix it? I -need- her to sleep better, because I'm now having a hard time falling asleep either after her DF. Yesterday was just awful because I'd only just fallen back asleep after her 1:45am feeding when she woke up at 4:15am.