Author Topic: Please help me! I am exhausted !! 8 month old - multiple NW  (Read 1255 times)

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Offline Nickij

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Hi MY DD was a great sleep from birth. In fact at 10 weeks she was doing 7-6am with no dream feed. SHe did this until 14 weeks when she got a nasty virus and has only done it a handful of times since. She had been maybe waking once -  sometimes she would want feeding and sometimes she would just be soothed with a pat or her music being put on. we had the occasional bad night, but that was usual when she was sick etc.

But the past week, she has been waking up anywhere from 9pm to 1am and then not really going back to sleep for much longer than 30-45 minutes before waking again. She is also waking my 2 1/2 year old up so we are having to get him back to sleep too.

She isn't hungry.

I wasn't even this tired when she was a newborn (I was with my son), I think I have had about 6 hours sleep in the past 3 days.
I am going back to work in a couple of weeks and at the moment I can barely drive let alone do 8 hours in the office every day.

Our usual EASY is as follows

W 5.30
E. 6am - Milk
S 8.30 (she often has a catnap on the way back from dropping my son to nursery 20 mins ish -  unfortunately there is no way round this)
E 9.15 -  solids
S. 10.00-11.30
E. 12.00pm Soilds
S. 2 - 3.30
E 3.30 - milk
E 5.00 Soilds
S  (occasionally cat nap for 30 mins all depends on when she woke from afternoon nap)
E. 6.45pm milk
S 7pm

She has a dummy - but this is only used out of the house-  in the car and buggy etc if she needs a nap when we are out. In fact we haven't really used it at all for about 2 weeks

She self settles at both bed times and naps normally.

Offline caoimhe mum

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Re: Please help me! I am exhausted !! 8 month old - multiple NW
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2012, 18:15:23 pm »
hope you don't mind but would love to tag a long i have loads of night wakings to, so your not alone.  our lo is 8months also.  unlike you though my lo hasn't ever slept the night.  i'm sure these ladies will have some great advice for you. 

Offline katie80

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Re: Please help me! I am exhausted !! 8 month old - multiple NW
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2012, 19:43:53 pm »
(((Hugs))), sorry you're so tired. I notice a souple things in your EASY that might be contributing to the NWs.  First, I only see 3 milk feeds, is this correct? Do you BF or FF? I'm pretty sure the standard recommendation is to have 4 milk feeds until 9/10 mo and then 3-4 until 12 mo.  I know you said she isn't hungry, but I guess I just don't want to rule it out. If you fed her at the 5:30 EW, do you think she might go back to sleep?

Second, I think the CNs are making for some unevenly distributed day sleep and probably too much when she has both. I know there's no way around the morning one, but if she went back to sleep with a small feed at 5:30am, then she probably wouldn't fall asleep in the car and you could aim for two good naps. As it is right now, I think that second nap could definitely use a push. She's only doing 2.5hr A in between and I'm thinking could likely handle 3.  If you can get that nap to 2:30-4, she shouldn't need another CN in the evening, which would help with the NW and likely EW.

Finally, settling only to wake again 30-45 min later can also be discomfort.  Is she getting any teeth?  Has she eaten any new foods in the last week that could be giving her some tummy discomfort?

Offline Nickij

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Re: Please help me! I am exhausted !! 8 month old - multiple NW
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2012, 20:31:21 pm »

Thanks so much for your reply

She is FF (stopped BF about 3 weeks ago (had only been doing morning feed for the past month though -  been winding down for going back to work).

I was trying to give her a milk feed in between breakfast and lunch -  but she just wasn't interested at all, so I stopped bothering. She definitely won't go back to sleep at 5.30 -  I have tried my best to extend this, but it just seems to be her wake up time. On the days I don't take my son to nursery -  she easily hangs out till 8.30/9am for a nap so she isn't still tired at 5.30.

An update though -  after another two horrific nights, I took her to the doctors incase there was something going on I couldn't see, and she has a slight ear infection which they have give her antibiotics for, so I guess that this is why the past few nights have been so bad. Hopefully things will get back to normal in a few days. I just feel bad I never took her to the doctors sooner:(

Offline katie80

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Re: Please help me! I am exhausted !! 8 month old - multiple NW
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2012, 03:11:11 am »
I just feel bad I never took her to the doctors sooner:(
But, you didn't know. Don't be hard on yourself, we can't catch everything. FX the ABs do the trick and she goes back to sleeping better for you. :)