Author Topic: transitioning to 4hour EASY - what to do with the dropped feeds?  (Read 1913 times)

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Offline gioella

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transitioning to 4hour EASY - what to do with the dropped feeds?
« on: September 05, 2012, 18:04:08 pm »
Hi! My LO is 20wks old. We have been transitioning from 3hour to 4hour EASY. He went through his 4th month growth spurt so we have increased his milk intake to 5-6oz per feeding, 6x a day (4 daytime feedings, 1 top up before bed and 1 dream feed). Now, once we are in the 4hour EASY, it seems like he will only be getting 5 feedings a day (7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm and 11pm DF). What do I do with the feed that has been dropped? Bedtime will be at 8pm with the 4hour EASY. Should I top him up prior to bed still even if he would have just eaten at 7pm? Or do I redistribute to the other daytime feeds and dream feed? I dont think it is right to just decrease his daytime intake by 5 or 6oz because he might get hungry through the night and start waking up again? I'm not sure though what is the best approach. What have you done with your LOs when they transitioned? Thanks!
**** Ella ****

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Re: transitioning to 4hour EASY - what to do with the dropped feeds?
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2012, 03:07:39 am »
I just transitioned my twins to a 4 hour schedule. I was worried about the same thing, but we haven't had any issues with them waking up at night hungry. Since the feedings are further apart, they just naturally started to eat more at each feeding. It all seemed to balance itself out even though they are getting one less bottle. 

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Re: transitioning to 4hour EASY - what to do with the dropped feeds?
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2012, 03:31:13 am »
^^  This.

My LO moved to 7 oz bottles very quickly once we got to 4 hr EASY :)  Wasn't long and she was up to 8 ozs... and we didn't DF.  And no NF's by that time either!  She drank 28-32 ozs over 4 feeds.

Bedtime will be at 8pm with the 4hour EASY. Should I top him up prior to bed still even if he would have just eaten at 7pm?

Why is BT 8pm? 

You may find that as he starts to take more at each feed that he does go more like 4 hrs 15 mins  and this would allow you to shift that last feed closer to 730/745pm if you keep the 8pm BT.

Offline gioella

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Re: transitioning to 4hour EASY - what to do with the dropped feeds?
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2012, 05:23:02 am »

Why is BT 8pm? 

You may find that as he starts to take more at each feed that he does go more like 4 hrs 15 mins  and this would allow you to shift that last feed closer to 730/745pm if you keep the 8pm BT.

Thanks for the input ladies!

I work week on/week off. And when I do work, my work ends at 7pm so I wanted to be home and be the one to put him to sleep since I dont get to see him the whole day that's why I made bedtime around 8ish. Do you think that's too late for his routine?

Today is the first day we did 4hour EASY, with 2hour A time and 2hour naptime (x2) plus one catnap. So far so good. We'll see tonight how it goes. Keeping my fingers crossed that he will sleep through the night. He has been drinking around  5-6oz today per feeding. Also, I forgot to mention that he is drinking pumped breastmilk exclusively. Do you think he will be able to handle extending his last feed closer to 730ish even if he is drinking breastmilk? Our current EASY goes like this:
     7AM   E/A
     9AM   S
     11AM E/A
     1PM   S
     3PM   E/A
     5PM   Catnap
     6PM   A/Bath
     7PM   E
     8PM   Bed
     11PM DF

I was going over some of the sample schedules in the forum. One was suggesting giving a feed at 630PM instead of 7pm, then doing a top up feed right before bed at 730/8ish. Ill probably try this too if the above EASY doesnt work.

One of the biggest problems we are having is that it is getting difficult for my LO to focus and finish his daytime feeds over the last few weeks since we have started transitioning him from 3hours moving to 4hours. We have been increasing it by 10minute increments since initially, I was having difficulty keeping him awake longer. He eats anywhere between 30mins-45mins, sometimes even 1hour. The first 3oz are usually the fastest and least problematic. But after that, he starts pushing the bottle, sticking out his tongue, blowing raspberries, etc. Makes me think if he is full already after 3oz but he would root still when I check. If we are able to make him focus in a toy or song or any other imaginative thing we can think of, then he would drink 2-3oz more. The top up feeds and dream feeds when he is swaddled are much easier. He is usually done in 15-20mins. Im not sure if these difficulty feeding him is because of the transition or because there is too short of a time in between feeds thats why from 3hour40mins EASY, I decided to just go ahead and jump to 4hour EASY. This is the other reason why I am worried about feeding him one less bottle because Im not sure if he will take an extra oz each meal (to make up for the dropped bottle) thus I keep on going back and forth whether to top him up or not.  This difficulty feeding kind of coincided with me going back to work too, leaving him with my MIL the whole day. Right before this, it was mainly me feeding him, with my MIL giving some of his milk as we are getting ready for me to go back to work. Once Ive been back to work and she has been feeding him mainly on the weeks I work, this started happening too so i dont know if this is an additional factor to consider.
**** Ella ****

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Re: transitioning to 4hour EASY - what to do with the dropped feeds?
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2012, 20:15:27 pm »
Does he nurse when you are around or is it all pumped milk?

Offline gioella

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Re: transitioning to 4hour EASY - what to do with the dropped feeds?
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2012, 01:34:48 am »
Does he nurse when you are around or is it all pumped milk?

I try to nurse him once a day when I'm around then top him up right after nursing where he takes an extra 1-2oz of milk. For the most part though, he drinks pumped milk. He gets impatient waiting for my let down so feeding pumped milk is what we have been doing.
**** Ella ****

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Re: transitioning to 4hour EASY - what to do with the dropped feeds?
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2012, 03:29:26 am »
I work week on/week off. And when I do work, my work ends at 7pm so I wanted to be home and be the one to put him to sleep since I dont get to see him the whole day that's why I made bedtime around 8ish. Do you think that's too late for his routine?

I don't think it's too late as long as he is getting the sleep he needs :)  I am generally not a fan of keeping a baby up so a parent can see him/her after work though ;)  In all honesty, it can be too stimulating and make baby very hard to settle when the parent they haven't seen most of the day shows up right before they are to be unwinding from the day to settle off too sleep.

As for the amount that he is taking - will check with the BF girls and see what they say!  If I recall correctly, the volume of BM doesn't really change, the composition of the milk does as baby ages though... they don't need more, it's just more calorific :)  Will be back!

Offline gioella

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Re: transitioning to 4hour EASY - what to do with the dropped feeds?
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2012, 04:38:33 am »
That's what I have read too. Kellymom website says that breastmilk-fed babies generally have the same intake since the breast milk composition changes.

Quick update. So far, we have been doing good with the 4hr EASY, except for the last daytime feed. He usually gets hungry at 630pm and couldnt wait till 7pm. So we'll probably go with moving it up to 630pm with a top-up feed by 8ish at bedtime. Since I've started working, I usually make it at home in time for his bath/bedtime ritual/top up feed. So far, we havent had problems settling him down at night. Except for very few occasions, I have been the one to put him to bed since he was born. I understand what you are saying that it may be stimulating  for him to see me right before bedtime. It's just hard coz when I do work, I work 12hour shifts so I basically just seem him when he wakes up in the morning then right before bedtime.
**** Ella ****

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Re: transitioning to 4hour EASY - what to do with the dropped feeds?
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2012, 04:00:09 am »
I understand for sure Ella... it's hard when you are working!

I did confirm that yes, the milk does change so he may just hover around that feed amount for a while...  if he is hungry, he will get you up to feed him ;)

I agree that the big feed with the top up at BT is the best bet for now!