Hiya, just want to get a bit of advise/reassurance/btdt from you lovely ladies
My lo is soy/cows milk free because it gives him echzema. He is also (mostly) gluten free because both my mother and I are gluten intolerant. I'm not too strict on the gluten because he doesn't seem to have any symptoms yet, but both my mother and I didn't have symptoms until in our 20's. Sometimes he'll have a bit of my DP's toast or something but no more than once a week.
Anyway his stools are quite often pretty loose, not quite diareaoh, but not solid either and today's offering had mucus in it. Do you think I should be worried? He's still BF a couple of times a day and I must admit I do eat the odd bit of cheese or the occasional soy latte, but his echzema is under control so I figured a little wouldn't hurt. Maybe I need to be stricter. I could take him to the doctor, but she wasn't much help with the echzema, so I'd like to have a bit more to go on if I need to go back to her (she has a habit of making feel small!)
Thanks for looking anyway!