Is he getting red meat in his diet? That's one good source of iron. Liver in general tends to be as well. Legumes are high in iron, but they are also notoriously hard to digest; I'd be cautious about trying them till you know his gut has healed a bit more. Spinach is fairly high in iron as well, although you can't absorb all of it from the spinach; many iron-containing veg also contain compounds to prevent full absorption of the iron.
MPI can manifest in more than one way; eczema/skin problems is just one symptom, while digestive issues can be pretty prevalent in MPI. That's what happens to all of us when we have milk here.
Olive oil is probably OK; we used to mix some into guacamole and feed that to Natalie as an early food.
The only connection I can think of between enzymes and lactose-free milk would be that lactase is the enzyme needed to digest the milk sugar lactose. Maybe she meant lact
ase-enriched milk? Some people are indeed lactose-intolerant, but many many more are just plain old MPI, and not all doctors really get the difference.
Speaking of enzymes, though, milk comes with its own, most of which are destroyed during pasteurization; unpasteurized milk is the only way we can drink milk in its liquid form in our family. Hard to find here, though, and you have to be super-careful about the farmer if you go that route.
If he's doing OK with trace dairy, since he's been off dairy this long you might want to try some yogurt. It's one of the few forms of milk we CAN digest that isn't raw. The bacterial cultures partially digest the sugars and proteins, apparently.