Hi, I posted before and got lots of help for my spirited LO who would not sleep. She is now on EASY and things are much better. She is 8 and a half months now. I'm struggling with extending her A times from 2h 45min and getting rid if the CN. Since trying, her naps have gone awry (from 1.5 hrs to 30 mins, usually can get her back to sleep) nights are much harder to get her to sleep...wakes everytime I put her down - takes me 2-3hrs, till I give up and bf to sleep. I still shh pat to sleep, with some rocking. as I'm going back to work in a few weeks, I would really like to sort it out. Still wakes twice at night for feeds (ebf, trying to get her to take cup but thats another story). I think my Easy needs adjusting, and I'm letting her fall asleep feeding at night, which is affecting her sleep and timings.
My prev EASY was:
E 7am. Wake and bf
A 730. Crawl around cot and pulls to stand
8. Breakfast - toast and cereal, fruit
S. 945 - 11 ish Nap
E. 1130 bf (dropped now, trying cup of ebf, snack)
A crawls, plays
1230 lunch meat/fish/egg with veg and some carb
S. 1345 nap (cant usually manage more than 40 mins)
A. Play
E. 330 bf
A. Play
S. 515 cn till 545
E. Dinner (as lunch)
A. 645Bath, play in cot
E. 730B
A. Brush teeth, story
S. 815 sleep
Whatever I did, I could not get her to sleep before 830 to 9, not sure why. She just keeps waking up.
Currently, I've been extending A times to 3hrs and therefore earlier bt and stopping cb, but really not working.
Hubby is getting v worried and frustrated.
To add to everything, there's the teething (not actively now), crawling, standing, and screaming when she wakes after bedtime unless I go to her, then stops immediately. As I'm going back to shift work this may be a problem!